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"cette" means 'that'. It is used with a single, feminine noun.
cette voiture est verte > that car is green

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Q: What is the french word cette in English?
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What does cette mean in English?

"cette" means 'that' + feminine noun, or 'this' + feminine noun in French.

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Semme is not a French word, however, the sentence 'Je suis en France cette semaine" would translate to "I am in France this week."

What does 'cette' mean?

The singular demonstrative adjective, cette (paired with a feminine object or person) is the feminine form of the French equivalent of the English word, this or that. The masculine form is ce or cet.In French, the demonstrative adjective has to agree, in number and gender, with the noun that it modifies.

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The French word for "at" is "à". Eg: He is at home/ Il est à la maison. But for example, in a phrase like "Look at that girl!", when you translate it in French, the "at" is completely omitted. It would "Regarde cette fille", literally "Look that girl."

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J'ai besoin d'écrire cette lettre.

What does cette mean in French?

cette means 'that / this'. It is a feminine demonstrative pronoun. cette voiture > that car, this car

What is French for get that?

obtenir cette

How do you write this in french?
