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Chromatophores are pigment containing cells in frogs, toads, octopus, and squid that allow for them to change the color of their bodies for camouflage purposes or even for mating.

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Q: What is the function of chromatophores?
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What is the purpose of chromatophore?

Chromatophores are spots that change size to change the color of the squid by stretching out the Chromatophores by the muscles.

What is the purpose of a chromatophore?

Chromatophores are spots that change size to change the color of the squid by stretching out the Chromatophores by the muscles.

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It changes it color because of special cells called "chromatophores". These chromatophores contain sacks of color pigments.

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Chromatophores are present in skin of chamelion and it has ability to adjust its color with surroundings by changing depth of various chromatophores.

What is the function of the chromatophore on frogs?

Chromatophores on frogs serve three main functions. One: They can change hues to resemble the environment creating camouflage. Two: They can create vibrant colors warning of toxicity such as the Poison Dart Frog Three: Many animals find bright colorations attractive so some animals evolved to contain these colors using chromatophores

What do chromatophores produce?

they can produce colors by the reflection after absorption of light.

What are chromatophores and how are they used in a squid?

The word literally means 'colour carrier'; chromatophores are pigment cells that can grow and shrink at will, effectively changing the colour of animals such as squids. It can be used for camouflage and/or communication and/or threat displays.