

What is the function of somatosensory neuron?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the function of somatosensory neuron?
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The function Of a neuron is to transmit a signal at a very fast rate.

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A relay neuron is the neuron that picks up the message from the sensory neuron and delivers it to the motor neuron in the spinal cord then to the brain.

What is the Neuron function?

The function of a neuron is to transfer messages throughout the brain. These neurons are all attached and interpret everything that happens.

How are neuron and nerve similar in function?

This is just terminology. Neuron = 'nerve cell'

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The primary unit of the nervous tissue is the neuron. The function of the neuron is to transmit different signals from the nervous system to the various nerves in the body.

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Main function is to transport materials .

What is the function of somatosensory?

responsible for processinq info relationq to touch, movement and the location of the body and other objects.. i think.

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a sensory neuron to a motor neuron

What is the basic function of a neuron?

A neuron is an electrically excitable cell, that transmits signals (after processing) to another neuron or tissue. It sends out information to the brain.

Why is the sodium potassium pump important?

because without this pump the inside of neuron will stay + and outside -( check that, I am not that sure) and the neuron will not be able to function, as a result you will not feel any pain or even feel anything. read the section that talks about neuron's function...

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dont care ;0