

What is the function of the differential equation?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What is the function of the differential equation?
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Why you solve a differential equation for x?

In its normal form, you do not solve differential equation for x, but for a function of x, usually denoted by y = f(x).

What is the basic definition of differential equation?

An equation where some terms are derivatives of functions. Usually the problem is to find the function that makes the equation true.

What is nonlinear ordinary differential equation?

An ordinary differential equation is an equation relating the derivatives of a function to the function and the variable being differentiated against. For example, dy/dx=y+x would be an ordinary differential equation. This is as opposed to a partial differential equation which relates the partial derivatives of a function to the partial variables such as d²u/dx²=-d²u/dt². In a linear ordinary differential equation, the various derivatives never get multiplied together, but they can get multiplied by the variable. For example, d²y/dx²+x*dy/dx=x would be a linear ordinary differential equation. A nonlinear ordinary differential equation does not have this restriction and lets you chain as many derivatives together as you want. For example, d²y/dx² * dy/dx * y = x would be a perfectly valid example

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equation is a double differential relate to the energy of particle with wave function

What is the difference between an ordinary differential equation and a partial differential equation?

ordinary differential equation is obtained only one independent variable and partial differential equation is obtained more than one variable.

What is impulsive differential equation?

Differential equation is defined in the domain except at few points (may be consider the time domain ti ) may be (finite or countable) in the domain and a function or difference equation is defined at each ti in the domain. So, differential equation with the impulsive effects we call it as impulsive differential equation (IDE). The solutions of the differential equation is continuous in the domain. But the solutions of the IDE are piecewise continuous in the domain. This is due to the nature of impulsive system. Generally IDE have first order discontinuity. There are so many applications for IDE in practical life.

what is differential equation?

Differential equation is defined in the domain except at few points (may be consider the time domain ti ) may be (finite or countable) in the domain and a function or difference equation is defined at each ti in the domain. So, differential equation with the impulsive effects we call it as impulsive differential equation (IDE). The solutions of the differential equation is continuous in the domain. But the solutions of the IDE are piecewise continuous in the domain. This is due to the nature of impulsive system. Generally IDE have first order discontinuity. There are so many applications for IDE in practical life.

What is Exact ordinary differential equation?

exact differential equation, is a type of differential equation that can be solved directly with out the use of any other special techniques in the subject. A first order differential equation is called exact differential equation ,if it is the result of a simple differentiation. A exact differential equation the general form P(x,y) y'+Q(x,y)=0Differential equation is a mathematical equation. These equation have some fractions and variables with its derivatives.

What is the difference between differentiation and a differential equation?

Differentiation: when you differentiate a function, you find a new function (the derivative) which expresses the old function's rate of change. For example, if f(x) = 2x, then the derivative f ' (x) = 2 for all x, because the function is always increasing by 2 units for every increase of x by 1 unit.A differential equation is an equation expressing a relationship between a named function and its derivatives. This can be as simple as y = y', where y is the original function and y' the derivative.

What is the local solution of an ordinary differential equation?

The local solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is the solution you get at a specific point of the function involved in the differential equation. One can Taylor expand the function at this point, turning non-linear ODEs into linear ones, if needed, to find the behavior of the solution around that one specific point. Of course, a local solution tells you very little about the ODE's global solution, but sometimes you don't want to know that anyways.

What is a Bessel function?

A Bessel function is any of a class of functions which are solutions to a particular form of differential equation and are typically used to describe waves in a cylindrically symmetric system.

Application of differential equation in chemistry?

The rate at which a chemical process occurs is usually best described as a differential equation.