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The wax on the leaves prevents decomposition of the leaf.

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Q: What is the function of the layers of wax found on the leaves of floating aquatic plants?
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How underwater leaves are different from floating leaves?

Well, underwater leaves are under water

What is a 4 letter crossword puzzle word for floating leaves?

Lily - they have floating leaves and may be a possible answer depending on the context

Different between floating and submerged leaves of hydrophytes?

The floating leaves of hydrophytes usually float on water while those of submerged leaves are usually submerged in water as the name suggests.

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Which plants does not have stomata?

An aquatic plant with submerged leaves

What is the most important function of leaves?

The major function of leaves is to photosynthesize.

What can submerged plants do that floating plants cannot?

Submerged plants can extract nutrients directly from the water column through their roots and not rely solely on their leaves for nutrient uptake, unlike floating plants. Submerged plants also provide shelter and breeding grounds for aquatic organisms in the water column. They can also oxygenate the water more effectively due to their direct contact with the water, contributing to a healthier aquatic ecosystem.

What do Masked Ducks eat?

Mainly on seeds, roots and leaves of aquatic plants. They also eat aquatic insects and crustaceans.

What is the name of the aquatic plant some of whose leaves are modified as small bladders to trap minute aquatic animals?

a bladderwort

How do aquatic life forms depend on terrestrial life forms?

Aquatic producers use material from land, like tree leaves.