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The mouth breaks down food mechanically, provides enzymes in saliva that start the process of carbohydrate digestion, and moistens food. In addition, taste buds give information about the quality of the food.

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Salivary Amylase digest carbohydrates for a certain distance.

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Q: What is the function of the oral cavity or mouth in digestion?
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Does digestion start in your oral cavity?

yes it does. It starts right when you put the food in your mouth and the mouth is part of the oral cavity.

What the function of oral cavity?

The oral cavity is less formally known as the mouth. It's primary function is to bite, chew, and swallow food. It is also involved in speaking and can be used for breathing.The oral cavity as its name indicates its a cavity = space, the most important function of it is that it provides space for mechanical digestion of food. Providing saliva for easier digestion, bears a tongue which helps us in moving food and tasting it.Mechanical (chewing) and chemical (Starch digestion by amylase) digestion of food.So this is what I got from my physiology book:The mouth receives food and begins digestion by mechanically reducing the size of solid particles and mixing them with saliva. The lining of the mouth as well as the saliva glands provide lubrication which aide in speech, swallowing, and the digestion of food.

What is the function of oral cavity?

The oral cavity is less formally known as the mouth. It's primary function is to bite, chew, and swallow food. It is also involved in speaking and can be used for breathing.The oral cavity as its name indicates its a cavity = space, the most important function of it is that it provides space for mechanical digestion of food. Providing saliva for easier digestion, bears a tongue which helps us in moving food and tasting it.Mechanical (chewing) and chemical (Starch digestion by amylase) digestion of food.So this is what I got from my physiology book:The mouth receives food and begins digestion by mechanically reducing the size of solid particles and mixing them with saliva. The lining of the mouth as well as the saliva glands provide lubrication which aide in speech, swallowing, and the digestion of food.

Is the oral cavity the same as the mouth?

Yes, "oral cavity" is another name for mouth.

What it is a oral cavity?

The oral cavity is another name for the mouth.

What does the oral cavity contain?

Everything in your mouth. Oral means from the mouth. Cavity means opening or hole.

Mouth to mouth is or mouth to nose should normly?

its mouth to mouth when the oral cavity is not obstructed or there isn't blood for eg, but when the oral cavity is obstructed then is mouth to nose

What is the body cavity that contains the mouth?

The mouth is also known as the oral cavity.

What is the enzyme produced by the salivary glands that initiates carbohydrate digestion in the mouth?

The Oral Cavity has limited digestion of carbohydrates and lipids (amylase and lipase).

What does the mouth cavity open into?

The oral cavity, or mouth, opens into the oropharynx, the portion of the throat behind the mouth.

What is the buccal cavity of the frog?

The Buccal Cavity of frog is the mouth of the frog.

What are the lateral walls of the oral cavity formed by?

lateral walls of the oral cavity in the mouth are formed by what