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produces xylem and phloem

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Q: What is the function of the vascular cambian in the woody stems?
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What tissue divides the bark from the wood in woody stems?

The answer is the vascular cambium that divides the bark from the wood in woody stems.

What is the growth of tissue that produces phloem and xylem in the stems of woody plants?

woody stems have more xylem than soft stems

Do Woody stems have both xylem and phloem tissues.?

Xylem and phloem are the two types of transport tissue found in vascular plants. Woody stems contain both xylem and phloem.

Do roses have woody or non-woody stems?

They have woody stems

Does morning glory have woody stems?

No, their stems are green and quiet flexible, not woody.

What is the difference between the arrangement of vascular tissue in the stems of dicots and monocots?

In young dicot and monocot stems do not increase in thickness. Xylem and phloem are arranged in vascular bundles in the cortex. In older stems and all woody stems, the vascular tissues form a cylinder between the cortex and the pith. The vascular bundles in a monocot are scattered throughout the stem.

Do cactus have woody stems?

The cactus is vascular and contains phloen and xylem for transpiration and sap flow.

Which type of plant has the least amount of xylem tissue?

There are different kinds of stems some are woody and some are non-woody. Woody stems have alote of xylem tissue. Trees and shrubs have woody stems. The woody of conifers such as pine tree is soft wood.

Does vascular cambium Increase in thickness of stems over time result from the production of vascular tissue.?

yes it does the pourpose of the cambium is to thicken the plant . I'm not sure if im right, but i think your wrong. Only woody plants have a vascular cambuim. One of the most common woody plant is a tree. If you are talking about a vascular cambium inside a tree, then no, the vascular cambuim does not expand the stem. What it does is make a second layer of bark for the tree in the comming spring.

Why do woody dicot stems increase in diameter?

It increases because the vascular bundles contain cambium so secondary thickening can occure.

14 Annual rings in woody stems are caused by an increase in rings of the?

Annual rings in woody stems are caused by an increase in rings of the secondary xylem. Secondary xylem tissue is produced by vascular cambium. It is also caused by increased and decreased activity of cork cambium during spring and winter, respectively.

Do wild flowers with soft green stems have herbacious stems?

Yes. As you can see, herbaceous stems are soft and green while woody stems are thick, hard and woody. Stems can be of several sorts, herbaceous and woody. The herbaceous stems are green and fairly bendable. The woody stems as their name implies, are covered by bark. The herbaceous stem has more pith for its size. The cambium which causes woody stems to get bigger in width is not as active in the herbaceous stems. Most herbaceous plants are annuals or planted yearly. The herbaceous stem has little notches where leaves develop. Woody stems have scars where twigs and fruit have dropped off and little openings for transpiration.