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Q: What is the functional brain system that keeps the cerebral cortex alert and filters out the flood of sensory input of daily life?
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Which region of the brain creates sensory perceptions?

cerebral cortex

What interpret the sensory impulses from proprioceptors?

The brain, particularly the cerebral cortex

What three function types within the cerebral cortex?

Brodmann areas. The three types of functional areas are association, motor and sensory areas.

What relays sensory stimuli from the spinal cord and midbrain to the cerebral cortex.?


What part of the brain receives sensory info and relay it to the cerebral cortex?


What ara of the brain filters information going to and coming from the cerebral cortex?


How many functional divisions are in the cerebral cortex?

5 letters and it ends in a S

What is the major relay station for sensory information ascending to primary sensory areas of the cerebral cortex?

The thalamus encloses the shallow third ventricle of the brain, and is the relay station for sensory impulses passing upwards to the sensory cortex.

Olfaction differs from other sensory modalities because it?

does not transmit to the cerebral cortex via the thalamus

Smell is the only sensory input that does not pass through the what in the diencephalon to reach its destination in the cerebral cortex?


The parietal lobe processes sensory informstion from the?

The parietal lobe of the cerebral cortex processes sensory information from various parts of the body including the skin.

The relays sensory stimuli from the spinal cord and midbrain to the cerebral cortex?

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