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Genus: PantheraSpecies: leo

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Panthera Leo

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Q: What is the genus and species name for the lion?
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Is the genus species name for African lion Panthera leo?

The genus name is Panthera. Leo is the species name.

What is the lion species called?

The genus and species of the lion is Panthera leo.

How many different kinds of organisms have the genus and species names Panthera leo?

Only one animal can have one genus and species name.

What are the cougars genus and species?

The genus and species of the cougar, also known as the mountain lion or puma, is Puma concolor.

What is the biological name of a lion?

Panthera leoThe genus is always capitalized and the species is always lower-cased.Also the genus and species must either be underlined or italicized when written.

When writing does the species or the genus name go first?

When writing genus and species the genus goes first and is always capitalized. The species comes second and is in lower case. Examples: The cat is Felis catus. The lion is Panthera leo.

What is the genus family and species of a lion?

Panthera leo

What is the scientific species for a lion?

The scientific name of a lion is Panthera leo.

Which Scientific name of organism consists of?

A scientific name consists of two parts. First, there is a genus name, which is always capitalized, like a proper noun. Second, there is the species name, which is always written in lower case. Scientific names usually sound strange because they are made up of ancient Greek and Latin words. One example of a scientific name is Panthera leo, the scientific name of the lion.

What is the first part of a organism's scientific name?

Genus. Genus is a group animals having common characteristics. The second name is the species name. For eg: Panthera Tigris is the biological name of tiger. Panthera is the genus and Tigris is the species.

What the genus of the white lion?

White lions are not a seperate species, but just normal lions that lack pigmentation. Therefore, the genus of white lions is Panthera, same as normal lions.

What two levels of classification are used to name organisms?

The genus and species are the final 2 classification that determine a scientific name for an organism