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Is the central ,light staining region within a lymphoid follicle in spleen ,lymph nodes,or mucosal lymphoid tissue that forms during T cell-dependent humoral immune response and is the site of B cell and antibodies affinity maturation and antibodies class swiching .

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lymph follicles or lymph nodules

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Q: What is the name of the structural units of lymph node that contain a germinal center?
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How are lymphatic nodules different from lymphatic organs?

Lymphatic Nodules-Any of the small bodies located along the lymphatic vessels, particularly at the neck, armpit, and groin, that filter bacteria and foreign particles from lymph fluid. As lymph flows through a lymph node at least 99 % of the antigens in the lymph are removed. The lymphatic organs are organs that produces lymphocytes or is associated with lymphocyte function, for example, the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus.

Explain the immune response in a lymph nodes?

First the structure of a lymph node... we have the cortex, paracortex and the medulla. It is made mainly of recticular cells, then lymphocytes and macrophage. So you have APCs presenting the antigen which enter lymph node via HEV, basically post-capillary venous swelling made of simple cuboidal cells. These allows things in blood to enter the lymph node. Then after that you have the APC interacting with B cells in the cortex and the T helper cells in paracortex. Both B and T cells get stimulated. B cells can either stay in cortex to form secondary follicles / germinal center or migrate to medullary cord to become plasma cells and secrete antibodies. The function of germinal center is to increase antibody affinity, isotope change (change classes) and differentiation and proliferation.

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What cells cluster around the medullary sinuses?

The cells that cluster around the medullary sinuses in the lymph nodes are called reticular cells. These cells form a network of connective tissue, providing structural support for the lymph nodes. They also play a role in filtering lymph and facilitating immune responses.

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Lymph Nodules can be either Primary Nodules or Secondary Nodules?

Yes, primary nodules don't have germinal centers(active B cells) while secondary nodules do.

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Which parts of the lymph node show increased activity when antibody production is high?

a. outer follicle b. germinal centres c. medullary cords d. sinuses