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The goal of the First Continental Congress, which took place in 1774, was to address grievances against the British Crown and to find a peaceful resolution to the growing tensions between the American colonies and England. The result of the congress was the creation of a unified colonial response to British policies, including the adoption of a Declaration of Rights and Grievances and a boycott of British goods.

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To many colonists the closing of Boston Harbor was the final insult in a long list of abuses. In response to the mounting crisis, all the colonies except Georgia sent representatives to a meeting in October 1774. This meeting, known as the First Continental Congress, was a gathering of colonial leaders who were deeply troubled about the relationship between Great Britain and its colonies in America.

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Q: What is the goal and result of the first continental congress?
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What was the goal of the first continental congress?

The main purpose of the First Continental Congress was to petition England to give them the rights they expected. The congress was held in response to the Coercive Acts.

What was the initial goal of the second continental congress?

i dont know ecause social studies is f'n stupid

Which was the primary goal of the second continental congress when they met in philadelphia on May 10 1775?

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The Second Continental Congress did not initially want to break away from Britain. In 1775, their main goal was to establish a military force, the Continental Army, to defend their rights against British oppression. Additionally, they created a new currency, the Continental currency, as a means to finance the war and pay their soldiers. However, as the war progressed, sentiments shifted towards independence, leading to the eventual Declaration of Independence in 1776.

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