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Q: What is the growth potential for dentist?
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growth sprut , for growth modification DR-NJM

Internal and external potential for growth?

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Distinguish between actual and potential growth?

• Potential growth is the change in the ability of the economy to produce goods and services.•Actual growth is a rise in the quantity of goods and services produced

What is the growth potential for a fashion designer?

It's at least 30 to 60% of growth

If the growth rate of labor force is 1.5 percent and the growth rate of labor productivity 1.25 percent then the potential growth rate is?

The formula is : Potential Growth rate = Annual Growth rate of labor force - Annual decline in the work weeks + Growth rate of labor productivity. So u need to have the annual decline in the work weeks to find the potential Growth Regards, Muntaha

What the potential for growth in nursing?

there isnt agrowthpotential lol

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What does humanistic perspective focus on?

potential for healthy growth.

Which type of therapy emphasizes people's potential for growth and the importance of an empathetic therapists?

Client centered therapy emphasizes people's potential for growth and the importance of an empathetic therapist.

The growth potential of healthy people was emphasized by?

This potential was emphasized by humanistic psychology. This branch of psychology emphasizes all that humans are capable of achieving, and health and growth are important to that end.

After wisdom tooth removal is it normal for the dentist not to stitch the holes?

It all depends on the judgment of the dentist. Sometimes sutures are indicated, sometimes they are not. Placing sutures when they are not indicated can lead to potential complications.