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Q: What is the gut flora-intestinal bacteria and how does it aid in digestion?
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Is making vitamins one of the roles of bacteria that live in human bodies?

Bacteria in the gut play a major role in digestion. In some cases, the bacteria consume the food and transform it into a form the body can digest. This happens with the digestion of celery.

Can you explain how the gut is modified to assist digestion?

Type your answer here... can you how the gut is modified to assist digestion

What food groups do you get fiber from?

Fruit and vegetables are a good source of fibre or wholemeal cereal products. Fibre is generally the part of the plants that we can't digest, so cellulose. Unlike herbivores we don't have the bacteria in our gut to break it down but it can still aid digestion in the right quantity by providing substance for the gut to push through itself.

Is your digestive track home to trillions of bacteria?

Yes they are!! In fact we are more organisms than human cells if you count the number of cells. Bacteria reside in the gut responsible for the digestion of many food nutrients we consume. some enzymes what we do not have is presenting in bacteria!Yes, it is.

How is it possible that less than 1 percent of bacteria cause disease?

Because the majority of bacteria you will enounter everyday and have built up a pretty good immune system by being exposed to them. The 1 percent your referring to will be the ones that have mutated and ones that are not found around you all the time.....e.coli can kill but did you know that you have e.coli in your gut..The deadly one, is a different strain of e.coli, the one in your gut is what is known as 'friendly bacteria' as it helps you out. Have you heard of all these yoghurt type drinks, actimel? yakult? They are all good bacteria, which if you take them, will aid digestion and limit the amount of bad bacteria in your gut. Your farts might not smell so bad(bad bacteria) after taking those drinks for a few weeks lol

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One benefit of having bacteria in your gut?

Beneficial bacteria assist in the breakdown and absorption of food. For example, bacteria in the large intestine use undigested material to make vitamins, such as vitamin K. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot.

What are gut bacteria?

Gut bacteria are, well, bacteria found in the gut. Bacteria are microorganisms made of a single cell; more information on them can be found in the external links provided here. The gut is usually considered any part of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, from mouth to anus.All animals have gut bacteria. This is a normal and completely healthy condition. These normal gut bacteria are considered to make up the normal gut flora or gut microbiota of an individual.Different parts of the GI tract contain different bacteria. This has to do with the environment found in the different parts of the GI tract. For example, the stomach provides an acidic environment, making it difficult for most bacteria to survive. The colon, on the other hand, provides a suitable environment for anaerobic organisms like Bacteroides fragilis and Entereschia coli (E. coli).

How does bacteria destroy the mucus protecting the gut wall and how it let acid reach the gut wall and cause ulcers?

how does bacteria destroy the mucus protecting the gut wall and how did it let acid reach the gut wall and cause ulcers

What is bacteria in the large intestine are responsible for?

The primary role of the large intestine is reabsorption of water from stool. It also absorbs some nutrients not taken up efficiently by the small intestine, and houses most of the symbiotic bacteria in your gut.

All bacteria are harmful.?

No, not all bacteria are harmful Infact some our good, like the ones in our gut that help us digest food. We should first understand what is bacteria and the common types of bacteria and how they grow in the