

What is the healthy weight of 13 year old girl 5 foot 2?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the healthy weight of 13 year old girl 5 foot 2?
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No. This is a healthy weight.

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The healthy weight is about 80-90 doesnt matter as long as your healthy!

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Yes, it is a healthy weight

What is the average weight for a 5ft 14 year old girl?

This average would be distorted, as there are so many overweight people, but the healthy weight for a girl of 5 foot would be between 90 to 110 pounds

What is the average weight for a 14 year old girl that is 5?

The average for this would be distorted, as there are so many unhealthy people, but the healthy weight for a girl of 5 foot would be between 90 to 110 pounds.

Is 127.6lbs a healthy weight for a 14 year old girl who is five foot seven and a half inches?

The BMI for that height and weight falls between the 46th and 54th percentile for a 14 year old girl, so it's absolutely normal.

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The average weight is 22 pounds for a healthy baby girl.

Average weight for a 5 foot 13 year old girl?

The average weight for a 13 year old girl that is 5 foot tall is between 90lbs to 100lbs.

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A healthy, seventeen-year-old girl who is 5', 3" tall should weigh between 104 and 127 pounds. Anything above 130 pounds would be considered overweight for a girl of that height and age.

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What is a healthy weight for a 5-year-old girl?

3 stone