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The highest level of functioning would be demonstrated by an individual who spontaneously opens his/her eyes, gives appropriate answers to questions about his/her situation, and can carry out a command

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Q: What is the highest functioning of a coma patient according to the Glasgow Coma Scale?
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What is the lowest functioning of a coma patient according to the Glasgow Coma Scale?

Three is the least possible number of total points and would be given to a patient for whom not even a painful stimulus is sufficient to provoke a response.

What is the middle functioning of coma patient according to the Glasgow Coma Scale?

In the middle are those patients who may be able to respond, but who require an intense or painful stimulus, and whose response may demonstrate some degree of brain malfunctioning

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Electrosurgical unit

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According to Dorothy M. Johnson, nursing care is defined to be the advocate of efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient to prevent illness. The system is composed of several behavioral subsystems namely affiliate, dependency, aggressive, and achievement.

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The patient man's name was Job.

How does the Glasgow Coma Scale evaluate a patient's responsiveness?

as part of the admission examination, a Glasgow score of three to five points often suggests that the patient has likely suffered fatal brain damage, while eight or more points indicates that the patient's chances for recovery are good.

Do brain cells die when you receive an injury with Glasgow Coma Scale of 3?

The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is a tool medical professionals use to objectively evaluate the degree to which a person is conscious or comatose. Also referred to as the "Glasgow Coma Score," it operates on a scale of "3" to "15," in which progressively higher scores indicate higher levels of consciousness. For example, while a patient who is profoundly unconscious would receive a 3 according to the Glasgow Coma Scale, conscious, healthy adults would be rated at 15. Immediately after a head trauma, emergency doctors and nurses will use the Glasgow Coma Scale to assess a patient's condition. Others who use the GCS include intensive care staff, EMTs and chronic care professionals. If a person has a brain injury resulting in a GCS of 3, it is most likely that the person has suffered some amount of brain damage. For a complete GCS chart, see:

What does the prognosis for acute stress disorder depend on?

influenced by the severity and duration of the trauma, the patient's closeness to it, and the patient's previous level of functioning. Favorable signs include a short time period between the trauma and onset of symptoms,

Who is the client according to MEDS method?

It can be the patient, the patient's family, or the nurse. It is whoever the question is referring to.

Is it possible for a hyper thyroid to be irradiated and not burn out?

Yes, it is possible for a patient to undergo radioactive iodine ablation and still have a functioning thyroid. If the patient has autoimmune thyroid disease and antibodies have not been addressed, it is possible for a patient in this situation to suffer the rollercoastering effects of antibodies on the remainder of the thyroid gland.

What is the term used when a brain-injured patient is kept functioning by artificial ventilation and other treatment until the procurement team arrives?

Deceased donor

How is delirium described?

Delirium is a syndrome, or group of symptoms, caused by a disturbance in the normal functioning of the brain. The delirious patient has a reduced awareness of and responsiveness to the environment