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i believe the hole in the stomach is called an ulcer.. in the small intestine idk

that's my best guess

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Q: What is a hole in the intestines?
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Yes it burns a hole in your intestines to you

Where are the small and large intestines?

the big intestine carries poo to our rectum (poo hole.) And our small intestine carries urine to our orethra (pee hole.)

What causes bleeding from intestines?

That's an ulcer, and results from the acid in your stomach dissolving a hole in YOUR stomach wall. I suggest a hospital.

What is haital hernia?

A hiatal hernia is when abdominal contents, like the intestines, protrude through a small hole that is designed for the esophagus to pass through the diaphragm. The herniation referrs to the strangling of the intestines and the hiatus is the name of the opening,

Will swallowing a screw hurt you?

Yes, it likely will. It can put holes in your stomach and/or intestines. A hole in the intestines is extremely painful, and it can be very dangerous. It leaks fecal matter into the bloodstream. This can cause a high fever, inflammation, and infection.

Do all animals have intestines?

Not all animals have an alimentary canal. Flatworms do not. They only have a stomach. It uses the same hole for an entrance and exit.

What is gastrothesis?

Gastroschisis is a birth defect found in babies. It causes a baby's intestines to extend outside of the body per a hole in the abdomen.

How does your body form poop?

Well after you eat food it goes to your stomach then gos to your intestines. after the nutrients are sucked out of your food then it gos to your large intestine. there, it dries out and turns into poop. then it gos out your rectum (butt hole)(ass hole).

Can Glass travel the intestines without cutting the intestines?

no it will cut the intestines

Why are small intestines longer than large intestines?

The intestines are a tissue from your body.

How is the stomach different from small intestines?

the stomach stores and breaks down the food that hasn't been completely broken down and the small intestine conducts the food to the butt hole.

What is a ventral hernia and how is it caused?

A ventral hernia is a hole in the muscle wall where the intestines can push through. This occurs if someone has lifted something heavy or has had surgeries that have weakened the muscle wall.