

What is the home directory in Puppy?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is the home directory in Puppy?
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How are directory paths indicated in Linux?

The root directory is /. The home directory is /home/user.

What is the default directory for the user's home directory?

The default home directory is /home/user (where "user" is the username), sometimes shortened to "~".

What is the shortcut to the login directory in linux?

"cd" with no directory takes you to your home (login) directory. In a path, ~ (tilde) means your home directory, ~usr means the home directory of user usr. For example, "cp ~/foo ~john" copies file foo from your home directory to john's.

What is the difference between the root directory your home directory and your working directory?

The root directory is the top level directory of the entire file system. Every branch starts from there. The current working directory is where you happen to be in the tree at the moment. If the root is always "/" and my process is in the directory /usr/local/bin/test/data, then the root directory is still "/" and my working directory is currently /usr/local/bin/test/data

What is the main file directory in Linux?

It is the Home Directory.

How do you make your home directory the working directory?

Use the 'cd' command without any target; that always puts you in the home directory which becomes by default the working directory.

What is the name of the home directory?

/home Or, a user's home directory will usually be /home/<username>. For example, say your user name is jsmith: /home/jsmith

What Linux commands make your home directory the working directory?

the command 'cd ~' will get you there .

How do you change from your home directory in Linux to q2-jan14 directory?

cd /q2-jan14

What do you mean by sub directory and current directory?

Current directory/Sub-directory **************************************** The current directory is simply the directory a user is currently in - for instance: when in the Home directory, or the Music directory, and so on. A sub directory is another directory inside a main directory - for instance: in the Music Directory - Jazz, Elkie Brooks, Classical, are examples of three sub directories.

Should bathe puppy his first day home?

NO. you should not bthe a puppy his first day home

How do you save items to your home directory at school?

In order to save items to your home directory at school, you will need to take the following steps:\tCreate the file or folder you wish to save\tEnsure that your school's network is connected\tOpen the File Explorer window\tNavigate to the network drive that contains your home directory\tOpen your home directory and save the file or folderBy following these steps, you should be able to save items to your home directory at school.