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DNA is nothing more than a sequence of bases (nucleotides) and since DNA is normally double stranded, they can be referred to as base pairs. One could best visualise it like a zipper: two connected strands (that can also be separated). DNA is made up of only four different bases, abbreviated as A, C, G and T. These always form the same pairs: A on one side of the zipper, T on the other side and the same goes for C and G. So, when unzipped, you always know the sequence of the opposite strand.

The sequence of base pairs that make up our DNA should be viewed like a bar code. Every set of three bases code for one building block of a protein. That's all that DNA is for: code for building proteins. A set of three bases is called a codon and tells machinery in the cell (ribosome) to add one specific building block to a forming protein. It's like LEGO and DNA is the instructions that tell you which block to add next.

These different blocks give shape and function to the proteins it helps to build.

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12y ago
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8y ago

Nucleotide sequences show the order of nucleotides in a chain, which allows us to work out the amino acid sequence. The amino acid sequence is very important in how the resulting protein folds and functions. We can also investigate mutations both in the protein and in the nucleotide sequence. Hope this helps!

see also site presenting Visualization invented in 2015 by Polish scientist Gregory Podgorniak -

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8y ago

This is very good question! I will talk about the nucleotide sequence in human being only. I will try to answer the question, which may be edited further. Three nucleotides denote the amino acids. There are four types of nucleotides. So 4*4*4 gives you 64 options. They are enough to denote the 20 amino acids and start and stop codons for synthesis of the proteins. 2 necleotides will give 4*4, that means only 16 options. This sequence of amino acids is unique to every individual. There is little difference in the sequence of amino acids. But this difference makes every individual as unique person. So every body is different and special. If the order of nucleotides changes, the sequence of amino acids will also change. This will invite the immunological response. Why such order of amino acids is so important to the body is not exactly known to me. That is probably to recognize the self and non-self protein.

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7y ago

It determines which kinds of Amino Acids are synthesized :)

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14y ago

Cytosine and Guanine,Thymine and Adenime

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Q: Why is the order of nucleotides in DNA important?
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What is the name of the nucleotides have no DNA and no RNA?

Nucleotides do not have DNA or RNA. DNA and RNA are composed of nucleotides.

What is the purpose of DNA sequencing?

To determine the order of nucleotides in a DNA molecule

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The sequence of the nucleotides.

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the reason is that each living thing has a different order of nucleotides in its DNA

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A DNA molecule is composed of long chains of DNA nucleotides.

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The genetic code on DNA depends on the order of?

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What is the name of the enzyme that would have placed nucleotides into the replicating DNA in the correct order?

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