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Q: What is the initial time of cement for asbestos cement products?
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Can you reuse the cement after it has crossed its setting time?

yes, if it is before the initial setting time...

Does this cement satisfy astm standard for initial setting time?

does this cement satisfy ASTM standard requirements for normal consistency

What are the factors affecting the initial setting time of cement?

When cement is mixed with water, it forms slurry which gradually becomes less plastic with the passage of time & finally a hard mass is obtained. In this process, at a certain stage when the cement paste is sufficiently rigid to withstand a definite amount of Pressure, it is said to have set & the time required to reach this stage is termed as "setting time".

When did US Gypsum last use asbestos?

US Gypsum stopped making asbestos containing products some time before 1984.

What is vicat apparatus used for?

vicats apparatus is used for initial setting time of cement.

What is initial setting time of cement?

It's the time from which cement starts the setting process after water is added.. Usually it is 30 min.. It can be delayed or advanced using chemicals..

What is initial Setting time?

An arbitrary division has been made for the setting time of cement as initial setting time and final setting time.It is difficult to draw a rigid line between these two arbitrary divisions.For convenience,initial setting time is regarded as the time elapsed between the moment that the water is added to the cement,to the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity.The final setting time is the time elapsed between the moment that the water is added to the cement ,and the time when the paste has completely lost its plasticity and has attained sufficient firmness to resist certain definite pressure.

Did the National Gypsum Company make fireproof gypsum wall board with asbestos?

No, gypsum has a natural fire resistance due to the combined molecules of water which it contains. National Gypsum has never used asbestos in its wallboard products. However, it did at one time use asbestos in some of its sprayed-on fire proofing products. That ingredient was removed from their formulation several decades ago.

Why is Nairn Academy full of asbestos?

At one time, asbestos was incorporated into many building materials because it added strength, heat insulation, chemical resistance, and inability to burn to the products that contained it. Buildings built during that period may have included a lot of asbestos-containing materials.

What is initial and final setting time in cement according to ASTM?

Using a Vicat needle, the ASTM determined time for initial concrete setting is equal to or greater than 45 minutes. They set the final setting time is equal to or greter than 375 minutes.

When was asbestos discovered?

Asbestos is known for a very long time, even the Romans used it.

Where could I find more information on asbestos class action lawsuits?

Asbestos is a mineral, it is found in the natural environment in rock. It should have stayed there. Beginning in the 1930's and continuing on for more than four decades, asbestos companies decided to use this mineral in their products. Asbestos disease follows the trail of exposure. Asbestos disease is not limited to any one particular craft or trade. Asbestos has been unknowingly carried home on the clothes of workers resulting in disease among the wives who cleaned the clothes and their children. It is a sad commentary that tens of thousands of diseased people have paved the trail of asbestos exposure. During the time companies sold asbestos,