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Sputum culture is the laboratory procedure for determining which pathogens are present.

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Q: What is the laboratory procedure for determining the pathogen present in sputum?
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What is meant by incubation period?

The period where the pathogen is present but the condition is not symptomatic.

What disadvantage does slicing cells into very thin sections before examining present?

Before they can be observed by using a transmission electron microscope, cells are sliced into very thin sections. What disadvantage does this procedure present in the study of cellular parts?

CSF smear?

DefinitionA cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) smear is a microscopic examination of the clear fluid that moves in the space surrounding the spinal cord and brain. CSF protects the brain and spinal cord from injury.Alternative NamesSpinal fluid smear; Cerebrospinal fluid smearHow the test is performedA sample of CSF fluid is needed. This is usually done with a lumbar puncture. For information on how this procedure is performed, see spinal tap.The sample is sent to a laboratory, where a tiny amount is spread on a glass slide. A member of the laboratory team looks at the sample under a microscope. The smear shows the color of the fluid and the number and shape of cells present in the fluid. Other tests, such as a Gram stain, may be done to check for bacteria.How to prepare for the testFor information on how to prepare for the procedure to obtain the CSF sample, see spinal tap.How the test will feelThe laboratory test is painless and does not involve the patient.For information on how it will feel to have a sample of CSF fluid removed, see spinal tap.Why the test is performedThe test is done to check for signs of infection in a sample of CSF.Normal ValuesNormal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.What abnormal results meanIf bacteria are present, that indicates bacterial meningitis. Other kinds of infections might include tuberculosis and fungal infections. Certain bacteria or viruses can also be detected using special tests.What the risks areA laboratory smear poses no risk to the patient. For risks associated with the procedure done to get a CSF sample, see spinal tap.

Macrophage cells are specialized cells that do what?

macrophages can be considered one of the many "defenses" that work to help protect our immune system. they do have a special role. they engage in phagocytosis which is the process in which a macrophage engulfs cellular debris or dead cellular material and pathogens. the material goes into the internal part of the macrophage (vacuole) it then travel to the lysosomes where the waste is broken down and it then the reduced material is released extracellularly or intracellulary. in the case of a pathogen a macrophage will present an antigen for the particular pathogen in order for the immune system to identify it. each antigen has a specific helper T cell for each pathogen.

Is it true that recessive alleles are never present when dominant alleles are present?

No. They are present but not expressed (seen). Only the dominant alleles are expressed.

Related questions

What is meant by incubation period?

The period where the pathogen is present but the condition is not symptomatic.

What is the present tense of determined?

I/you/we/they determine. He/she/it determines. The present participle is determining.

How do scientists know that a pathogen caused a specific disease?

It is present in all cases of the disease

How do scientists know that a pathogen causes a specific disease?

It is present in all cases of the disease

What is the difference between how to determining and how to determine?

"How to determine" is correct. The "to" is part of the infinitive form, "to determine". "Determining" is the present participle form and cannot follow "to", so "how to determining" is incorrect.

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sputum cytology

What does Macrophage do after it ingests a pathogen?

Upon engulfment of a pathogen macrophages will destroy the pathogen in the phagolysosome. This is accomplished through a variety of enzymes as well as the use of reactive oxygen species (free radicals), which are used to produce bleach. Macrophages can then break down the proteins of the pathogen and present them as antigens to T cells, although dendritic cells are much better at this last part.

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Blood typing

How do scientists know that a pathogen cause a specific disease?

It must pass the germ theory.

What factors need to be present for infection to occur?

a pathogen (bacteria, virus, or other infecting agent), opportunity (a way in/on/out), and a host (for it to infect)

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How do antibodies destroy pathogens?

binding to antigens on the pathogens.The antibodies not only bind to antigens...but once bound with the antigens on the viruses they encounter. The viruses clump together and are destroyed by phagocytes.Thanks BRILLIANT mind!! :PYOU ARE THE BEST!