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11b which is 1*2 + 1*1 = 3 would be for two bits. But a byte is 8 bits, so 2 bytes is 16 bits. The largest binary number is [2^16 - 1], which is 65535 (base ten)

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Q: What is the largest decimal value that can be represented in binary using two bytes?
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The Largest 4Bytes Hex number is FFFF FFFF which is 65535 in decimal.

What is the largest decimal value that can be represented in BCD using two bytes?

If using the compressed format, where a byte holds two decimal digits (because only 4 bits are needed to make nine), so two bytes would be four decimal digits, the largest which is 9999.

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Why 1024 bytes rounded to 1000 bytes?

1024 bytes is binary counting while 1000 bites is decimal counting.

How many megabytes are in 100 megabytes?

100, 104.858, or 95.367, depending on if you mean decimal to decimal, binary to binary, decimal to binary, or binary to decimal. Simply, decimal megabytes, used by the storage industry, is 1,000KB, where each KB is 1,000 bytes. Binary megabytes, used by programmers (such as Microsoft, Linux, etc) are 1,024 KB, where each KB is 1,024 bytes (2^10, or 0x0200). Converting from decimal to binary will yield a smaller number of megabytes, while converting from binary to decimal will result in more megabytes.

Convert 2 byte binary number to decimal?

0.00195 KB equals 2 bytes

Is megabyte is equivalent to one character?

Yes. The standard definition is now 10^6 bytes. Historically, it could have represented 1,048,576 bytes (2^20 bytes), a value now defined as a mebibyte (million-binary byte).

What is the ditloid-1000b in a m?

The answer is '1000 bytes in a megabyte' - while computers use a binary system in which one megabyte is 1024 bytes, hard disk and flash memory produces stick to decimal, they treat a megabyte as 1000 bytes.

How do you represent character by bytes?

Characters are first given an internationally agreed decimal value. The decimal value is converted to binary by the computer. For example... the decimal value for the letter A is 65... this converts to binary as 1000001

What is largest BCD encoded decimal value that can be represented in three bytes?

A BCD digit only uses the binary patterns that represent decimal numbers, ie 0000 - 1001; this requires 4 bits (1 nybble) so there can be 2 BCD digits to a byte. Therefore in 3 bytes there can be 3 × 2 = 6 BCD digits. The largest BCD digit is 1001 = 9. Assuming non-signed, the maximum 3 byte BCD number is 999,999.

How many kilobyte is 2000 bytes?

1024 bytes the actual number of bytes in one kilobyte. 2048 is typically referred to as 2 Kilobytes but that is kind of a shorthand. So, technically 2000 bytes exactly would be 1.9531 Kilobytes in the computer world anyway. It all has to do with the binary number system where 2048 is represented with 16bits as 0000100000000000. Each bit from the right to the left is worth double the value of the right most bit that is worth a decimal value of 1. So, again from right to left the bit values are 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048. For example the decimal value of 2047 would look like this in binary 00000111111111111. Just add the values of each bit from right to left and you'll get it.

How do you convert anything into bytes?

well letters are basically bytes you can use a letters to binary calculator and each 8 pieces of binary equals 1 byte.