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A lawyer can sue like any other citizen. There are no processes,just the processes that the a normal citizen have that sues a case.

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Q: What is the lawyer process for lawyers to sue?
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What are the benefits of children lawyers?

There are many benefits for children lawyers. If some child wanted to sue another for sexual harassment, then this child is able to hire a children lawyer for the lawsuit.

Can you sue a lawyer for lying in court?

Yes, it is possible to sue your lawyer.

How do lawyers sue for injury?

A lawyer sues for injury by collecting the facts and then presenting them to a court system. The court system will decide if the case if legit and will act accordingly.

What is a person who represents another in a court of law?

A lawyer or an attorney (the two terms are synonymous).

How do you sue the bureau of immigration citizenship?

You need to take an Immigration lawyer. But be careful. Most lawyers will charge you a lot of many and promise you magic's but at the end will have very poor results.

How do you use lawyer in a sentence?

That is the lawyers briefcase.

What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer?

We're both lawyers.

Why is the discovery important for lawyers?

Discovery is important for the lawyers upto some extent, for evidence and records that might drive a case. But an able lawyer in not dependant on proofs, thinking process is more important.

What is name for a female lawyer?

Lawyer and attorney are gender-neutral titles, so both male and female lawyers are called "lawyers" or "attorneys." There is no feminine version of these nouns.

Are all lawyers constitutional lawyers?

A qualified Lawyer can on work on simple matters, a Qualified, Trained, Experienced Constitutional Lawyer specialises in the Constitution

Is it lawyer's or lawyers'?

It depends on whether you are talking about something belonging to one lawyer or several. For example, (one) this lawyer's name is Smith. (Multiple) these lawyers' names are Ballard, Carlson, and Calderon.

What part of speech is lawyer?

Lawyers is a noun. It's the plural form of lawyer.