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I think its either O neg, AB neg or Rhesus D Positive.

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Q: What is the least common ABO blood type in the US?
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What ABO blood type most common and least common?

ABO blood typing is a method for differentiating individuals' blood based on the presence or absence of two antigens, A and B. The most common blood type in the world is O positive, which has neither the A nor the B antigen.

What is the least common blood type in humans?

When discussing blood types, the two groupings most commonly used are the ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rh (+, -) systems. The least common blood type in humans is Bombay (EXTREMELY rare), which is a type O with missing H antigen. Otherwise, of the "normal" ABO and Rh typings, the least common group is AB-. ABO from most to least frequent: O, A, B, AB. The relative frequencies of these groups varies depending on race. The relative frequences of Rh+ and Rh- individuals also varies with race. About 85% of "whites" are Rh+, while 99.8% of American Indians are Rh+.

Which ABO blood type is least common?

I think it's type ABOf the "normal" A, B, AB, and O typings, AB is the least frequent. Otherwise, Bombay (O type with missing H antigen) phenotype is the least frequent.

Least common blood type in US?

When discussing blood types, the two groupings most commonly used are the ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rh (+, -) systems. The least common blood type in humans is Bombay (EXTREMELY rare), which is a type O with missing H antigen. Otherwise, of the "normal" ABO and Rh typings, the least common group is AB-. ABO from most to least frequent: O, A, B, AB. The relative frequencies of these groups varies depending on race. The relative frequences of Rh+ and Rh- individuals also varies with race. About 85% of "whites" are Rh+, while 99.8% of American Indians are Rh+.

What is the rarest blood type in the US?

AB- 1%In the UK the ABO type that is most common is O, AB is least common and A is more common than B. However it is more common to be RhD +ve, hence O+ is the most common blood group in the UK, but the order of common blood types will vary depending on where a given person is from.

If your abo blood type is ab what other abo blood groups could you give blood?

A person with blood type AB cannot give blood to anyone but can receive blood from anyone

What is the blood type of a woman with the genotype IA at the ABO locus?

Her blood type will be A.

What is the cleanest blood type in the ABO group?


Is there such a thing as ABO blood type?

In addition to type A, B, and O, there is type AB. This blood type is the rarest of the four.

What are genotype of blood typE ABO blood system?

Ia Ib

What is the most ABO blood type in the United States?

Blood type O is the most common in both the US. as well as the world. Actually type O+ is the most common. Type O- is the most common of the RH negative blood types.

How common is A plus blood type?

Blood type (or blood group) is determined, in part, by the ABO blood group antigens present on red blood cells.