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Q: What is the least number of of electrons needed in shell?
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How many electrons does nitrogen need to fill its outer shell?

One electron is needed.

Elements in the same group have similar properties because they have the same?

the same number of electrons needed to fill their octet, the same number of valence electrons,

How many electrons are needed to fill the first three electron shells?

6 electrons From the inside out, two, eight and eight.

What is the maximum number of electrons in the first shell?

2 electrons are found in the first electron shell.

Does a set of p orbitals with the same principal quantum number hold a maximum of 6 electrons?

No it can only hold up to 2. You have a rule for finding the maximum of electrons in every single shell. It is 2 *(shellnumber)2. Shell number 1 = 2 electrons Shell number 2 = 8 electrons Shell number 3 = 18 electrons Shell number 4 = 32 electrons Shell number 5 = 50 electrons Shell number 6 = 72 electrons Shell number 7 = 98 electrons Shell number above does for the moment not exist.

The chemical properties of an atom depend on the number of what?

It depends on the number of electrons in the outer valence shell in the atom

What is the significance of valence number?

Valance numbers represent the least number of electrons that particular atom needs to be fulfilled, or have a complete outer shell, and is useful when determining bonding properties.

What happens in the number of electrons in the second shell?

Second shell has a maximum of 8 electrons.

What element on the periodic table would you predict to that the least attraction for its outer level electrons?

I think the elements with more number of shells and least number of electrons in the outer most shell would be the one. For example francium.

How many electrons are there in the valence shell of a nitrogen atom?

Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons. Its atomic number is 7 therefore it has a total of 7 electrons. If you put this in a Bohr-Rutherford Diagram, there would be 2 electrons in the first shell (Helium structure) and 5 electrons in the outer shell. The number of electrons in an element's outermost shell is its number of valence electrons.

How many electrons does a complete valance shell hold?

the number of electrons in a valence shell is 8

What is the number of electrons that can occupy the second shell of an atom?

The second shell can hold eight electrons.