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The Candle over the Tabernacle, where the Blessed Sacrament is kept.

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Q: What is lit at the Easter Vigil as a symbol of Jesus' Resurrection?
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What was lit at the Easter vigil as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection?

A paschal candle is lit

Wht is the night-watch of the resurrection?

The Easter Vigil

What is the night- watch of Resurrection?

The Night Watch of the Resurrection is Holy Saturday, otherwise known as Easter Vigil, which occurs the night before Easter Sunday.

What is the exultant when it is sung at the Easter Vigil?

The Easter Exultant is sung at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. It is also called the Easter Proclamation because it tells the story of creation, Adam & Eve, all the way through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ...Our Savior, who's resurrection we celebrate at the Easter Vigil. The Exultant has two MOST IMPORTANT WORDS...Happy Fault!!!. This refers to the Garden of Eden and the fall of Adam & Eve for without this Happy Fault we would never have known Jesus as the Son of God coming to earth to give His life for our salvation.

Why do the bells stop ringin on Thursday before Good Friday?

As a sign of respect for Jesus death on Friday. They ring again on Easter Vigil in joy of the resurrection

Why do you have a paschal candle?

I'm not sure but I was taught that Easter is a season of Resurrection. It also symbolizes Jesus as the light of the world which dispels all darkness and evil. Therefore symbolically we have the paschal candle to be blessed and lit on the eve and the vigil of Easter.

What is Easter Sunday gospel about?

Roman Catholic AnswerThere are a number of Gospels read on Easter: The Easter Vigil is Matthew 28:1-10. The Mass in the morning is John 20:1-9, and the afternoon Gospel is Luke 24:13-35; all of which are about Jesus' resurrection from the dead, the empty tomb, etc.

Is the Easter vigil a day of holy obligation for Catholics?

No, but Easter is, so you can go to mass at the Vigil and have your Easter obligation fulfilled.

What does Easter represent to Christians?

Easter is the most important event in the Christian year. The Resurrection is the basis for the faith of Christians. As St. Paul said, if Christ is not risen, our faith is in vain.Roman Catholic AnswerEaster is the commemoration of Our Blessed Lord's resurrection from the dead, Easter "day" continues for eight full days from the Easter Vigil until Low Sunday, now called Divine Mercy Sunday. The Easter Season continues a full fifty days until Pentecost. Easter represents God's almighty power, and His absolute power and rule over everything - even death and sin.

Why is the Easter candle lit at the Easter Vigil Mass?

Every Church (Christian) has an Easter Vigil. It is mass on the night of Holy Saturday, leading into Easter. It usually starts at about 9PM, and goes until midnight. The Easter Vigil is the first celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

How is water used in the Easter vigil?

Water is used in the Easter Vigil to baptize the new members of the church.

Where does Easter Vigil occur at night?

Everywhere! That is why it is called a vigil.