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Q: What is the major difference between stateless server and stateful server?
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Difference between stateless protocol and statefull protocol?

stateless Protocol:-1).When stateless protocol is used between a server and the client, the server does not remember anything. It treats any message from a client as the client's first message and responds with the same effects every time2). A stateless server does notkeeps state between connections.=>So,Whenyou send a request to a stateless server, it does not create any objects that track information regarding your requests. If you "open" something on the server, the server retains no information at all that you have something open. A "close" operation would make no sense, since there would be nothing to close.3). A stateless system can be seen as a box ,where at any point in time the value of the output(s)depends only on the value of the input(s)after a certain processing time.4). A stateless protocol does not require the server to retain session information or status about each communications partner for the duration of multiple requests.5). stateless sessinobean:cannot maintain the state,cannotmaintain the persistance(database),onecesutdownmachine,wecannot see that data,cannothave the passivate,activatestates. ex:atmmini statements.Example =UDP(UserDatagramProtocol) , HTTP, NFSStatefullProtocol :-1). Statefulprotocol means the server remembers what a client has done before.2). .A statefulserver keeps state between connections.=>when you send a request to a statefulserver, it may create some kind of connection object that tracks what information you request. When you send another request, that request operates on the state from the previous request. So you can send a request to "open" something. And then you can send a request to "close" it later. In-betweenthe two requests, that thing is "open" on the server.3). a statefulsystem is like a state machine with "memory" as the same set of input(s)value can generate different output(s)depending on the previous input(s)received by the system.4). a protocol which requires the keeping of internal state is known as a statefulprotocol.5). statefullProtocol :- maintain the state,butcannot maintain the persistance,oncewe shutdownthe system the values stored in local hard disc,canhave the passivateand activate states. ex:shoppingcardExample =SMB, FTP,Telnet

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The advantages of Active Server Pages are that they provide a powerful scripting language and it is compatible with HTML. The disadvantages of Active Server Pages are that the coding is complex and the connections are stateless.