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The mass number tells the nucleòns; the elèctròn and positròn are 0.

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The mass number is a term applied only to an atom, not to an emitted particle.

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Q: What is mass number for beta?
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What changes in atomic number and mass number occur in beta emission?

Electron (beta minus) decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 1 Positron (beta plus) and electron capture decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number decrease with 1 Double beta decay: the atomic mass remain approx. constant, the atomic number will be greater with 2

How does beta radiation affect the nucleus?

The end result of beta- decay is that a neutron is converted into a proton, increasing the atomic number while keeping the atomic mass number the same. The end result of beta+ decay is that a proton is converted into a neutron, decreasing the atomic number while keeping the atomic mass number the same.

When an atom emits a 1 beta particle what can be said about is mass number and atomic number?

Emiting a beta particle is the result of a neutron changing into a proton so the atomic number increases by 1 and the mass number stays the same

What type of particle has a charge of 1 and a mass number of 0?


Infer the mass number and the atomic number of a nucleus change when it emits a beta particle?

Answer: It depends on the type of beta decay. There are two types of beta radiation: beta minus and beta plus. (In both cases, the mass number is not affected.)In the occurrence of beta minus decay, the atomic number increases by one, but the mass number stays the same. A neutron is changed into a proton via the weak nuclear interaction. An electron and an electron anti-neutrino are emitted. (One of the down quarks that make up the hadron is being changed to an up quark, and that is enough to change the entire hadron).In the occurrence of beta plus decay, the atomic number decreases by one, but the mass number stays the same. A positron and an electron neutrino are generally emitted.Beta minus occurs when there are too many neutrons in the nucleus. Beta plus occurs when there are too many protons in the nucleus.Important Detail: Some gamma rays are emitted shortly after beta plus, beta minus, or alpha decay because the nuclei still has excess energy.Answer: A beta particle (AKA an electron or positron) has a mass number of zero and an atomic number of -1 or +1, so the product of decay has the same mass but an atomic number 1 different than the original nuclei.

When a beta particle is emitted does the mass number of the isotope remains unchanged?

With the ejection of a beta particle (electron), there is a minute loss of mass. Electrons have very low mass. The atomic number increases though as a neutron is transformed into a proton. A antineutrino is also ejected. In a similar process, positron emission also called beta decay,- a positron is emitted and a proton is transformed into a neutron, the atomic number decreases. A neutrino is also ejected.

What happens to the mass number when it undergoes beta decay?

nothing, but another isotope with the same atomic mass is formed

How does nuclear decay affect the atomic number and mass number of a nucleus that changes after undergoing decay?

Beta+ decay and electron capture causes the atomic number to drop by one. Beta- causes the the atomic number to rise by one.Proton emission causes the atomic and mass number to drop by one.Neutron emission causes the mass number to drop by one.Alpha decay causes the atomic number to drop by two and the mass number to drop by four.

How are the mass numbers and atomic number of a nucleus affected by beta particle?

We make atomic number by number of protons in a atom. We make mass number by total of both protons and neutrons.

When an isotope undergoes beta decay which of the following does not change A the atomic number B the name of the element C the mass number D all of these change?

The mass number does not change.

What is the radioactive decay of an atom resulting in the decrease in the atomic number with no charge in the atomic mass called?

It is called beta decay. there are two types: 1) posive beta decay in which atomic number decreases. 2) negative beta decay in which atomic number increases.

Which type of radioavtive decay does the mass number remain unchanged?

Beta and Gamma