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The mass of the moon is about 1/80 that of Earth.

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Q: What is the mass of the Moon compared to the mass of the Earth in fractions?
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What is the moon's mass compared to the earth's mass?

1 earth mass = 81.78 moon mass (rounded)1 moon mass = 0.01223 earth mass = 1.223% of earth mass (rounded)The mass of the moon is only 1.2 percent of the mass of Earth.

Why is it the mass of the moon is less than the mass of the earth?

Because earth contains more matter as compared to moon.

How does the Moon's size compares to earths size?

The volume of the Moon is 2% compared to the Earth. You would need 81 objects with the mass of the Moon to match the mass of the Earth.

Why does everything has the same mass on earth and the moon but everything weighs more on earth that it does on the moon?

Mass doesn't depend on gravity whereas weight does. And moon has gravity less than earth so a body weighs less on moon as compared to its weight on earth. But mass remains same.

What is the fraction of the earths size compared to the moon?

The Moon is 1/4 of Earth's diameter, 1/50 of Earth's volume, and 1/80 of Earth's mass.

How is earths moon different from the Moon's of other planets?

In size and mass it is enormous compared to it's parent planet - The Earth.

What is the mass of Venus's compared to earth?

The mass on Venus compared to Earth is 80%.

The moon has no gravity but the rocket lands on it How?

The moon has gravity, all mass in the universe has gravity, but the moon being much smaller than the Earth it has less gravity compared to it, about 16% of the Earth's gravity.

What is the weight of 1 kilogram of iron on earth compared to 1 kilogram of iron on the moon?

On the moon, because of the mass difference between the moon and the Earth, it would weigh 1/6th of kilogram.

Is the mass of the moon greater than the mass of the earth?

No. The mass of the moon is a fraction of the earth's mass.

Is the moon more massive than the earth?

No. The earth's mass is equal to about 82 times the moon's mass. (Moon's mass is equal to about 1.2% of the earth's mass.)

What is the mass of Moon's?

The mass of the Moon is 7.3477 × 1022 kg.AdditionallyIn comparison to Earth, mass of moon = 0.0123 Earths. The Moon's mass is 1/81 of Earth's.