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Remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence while incarcerated -plus- if you committed a criminal act which VOP'd you, that sentence will be added on.

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Q: What is the maximum sentence for violation of probation in Kentucky?
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What is the maximum jail time for a probation violation in sc?

The maximum time you can get jail time for VOP is the maximum sentence you would have received without probation.

What is the maximum jail time for violation of probation in Georgia?

The short answer is the balance of the sentence

Maximum sentence for Georgia State Probation violation with public drunkiness charge?

The penalty for probation violations are determined by the judge who originally sentenced you to the probation. It is impossible to know what your individual restrictions were.

How many years can a convicted get for probation violation?

The maximum he could receive would be to serve the remainder of his sentence in jail - UNLESS - the probation violation involved committing a new offense. Then, if convicted for that crime too, he could also serve the sentence for that crime in addition.

How long can a judge hold a person for their 1st probation violation?

The maximum penalty would be governed by the underlying original charge and any sentence that was suspended in lieu of probation.

What happens if you have are charged with a felony got the maximum sentence got out on probation have served a full year of probation and then get a violation?

Did you mean to say that you were released on PAROLE? Regardless. . . if you violate the provisions of your release you can be returned to confinement to serve the remainder of your sentence.

What is the maximum time one can serve for a probation violation in Massachusetts?

This depends on what crime you were originally sentenced to probation for and what level of the trial court it is in. The violation is not what you get sentenced for, you are either found in violation or not found in violation. If you are found in violation you then have a final surrender hearing where your probation can be terminated and you receive the original sentence for the crime were found guilty of or CWOF'd. However, not all probation violations result in time served, depending on the severity of the violation. In a district court you can be sentenced to up to two and a half years for a felony and one year for a misdemeanor.

How much jail time do you get if you are violated for not having an address?

Generally, violation of probation is not a crime per se.But it does have an impact on your final sentence if your probation is revoked. The maximum jail or prison time is what you would receive for the underlying offense.

What will happen on your first violation of probation in MD?

There is no way of determining and/or anwering this question, it is entirely up the the judge who originally sentenced you. Probation is not a free pass, it is a SENTENCE handed down after being found guilty. The judge has the option of doing anything in his discretion, including remanding you to prison to serve the balance of your sentence.

What is the maximum time you serve on a 3 year probation violation in Georgia?

Ummm. . . the maximum would be 3 years wouldn't it.

What is the maximum penatly for absconder probation for nc?

probation being revoked and the active sentence invoked. this is not a new crime.

How much jail time for violation of probation in any State?

That depends on many things. Most important is what is the person on probation for? A felony or misdemeanor? What is the violation? The time served can be from nothing up to the maximum amount of time for the probation offense allowed by law. It is up to the discretion of the sentencing judge.