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Q: What is the maximun shelf life of granulocyte at room temperature?
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There isn't one. That is, there isn't one. Each monomer has its own "shelf life" which depends upon what it is, what stabilizers are also present, and what temperature it's kept at.

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Polyurethane is a very tough Plastic and is solid at room temperature so the shelf life, at room temperature, Liquid form, still a long time, for furthur answers and for further Elaboration consult The New MrSpock (Xbox Live Gamertag).

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Yes, DNA does have a shelf life. It has a shelf life of about four years if it is properly preserved.

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Most sources say: kept dry at room temperature, the shelf life of cream of tartar is indefinite. Online stores that sell the stuff will tell you one or two years.

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The shelf life of Chloramphenicol when it is unopened is 24 months. The shelf life when it's opened is 28 days.

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