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Each human life is a radical reality. in that all realities are rooted in it. Each human life consists of an I and its circumstance. If there is a pressure exerted on the I by the circumstance, the I will seek to adjust to that pressure by a reordering process within its life until a new equilibrium is achieved.

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Q: What is the meaning of the following quote by Jose Ortega y Gasset order is not pressure which is imposed from outside but an equilibrium which is set up from within?
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Equilibrium is a state of balance. In physics and chemistry, it occurs as a dynamic state where opposing forces or reactions result in a state whose average is at least roughly the same.In the human body, the state of equilibrium (balance) is provided by the inner ear and the visual center of the cerebellum.The word equilibrium is from the Latin equi(aequi) meaning equal, and libra, meaning balance.

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Can an object be moveing and still be in equilibrium?

Yes. If the sum of the forces is zero, then the object will not accelerate - meaning it will maintain its speed.

What are the real life applications of Equilibrium constants?

Equilibrium constants are essential to answering many thermodynamic questions and to figuring out how a chemical is gonna behave in a solution. On a routine basis -- meaning someone working in a lab -- you need equilibrium constants to make buffers (henderson-hasselbalch).

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The relationship between chemical equilibrium and the rates of forward and reversed reaction is they will both be equal. Meaning both of them will be just about the same.