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As far as I know cold sores are not treated with lasers, they can get aggravated and or they can still come back even if you do treat it with a laser.

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Q: What is the medical term for treating a cold sore with laser?
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Related questions

What kind of treatment are best for treating a cold sore?

There many over-the-counter medications offering relief from itching and pain associated with the cold sore, and speed the healing process. They will have a antibacterial agent in them.

Does salt water cure common cold?

No, but it can help soothe a sore throat if you gargle with warm salt water. See the related question below for more information on treating a cold.

Can you get a cold sore wet?

You can get a cold sore wet.

Does lemon juice kill cold sores?

No. Cold sores are from the herpes simplex virus and lemon juice won't help them. Yes, it will burn when you put it on the cold sores, but that is all. I have found that there are over the counter creams that work.

Is a cold sore a micro-organism?

A cold sore is a micro-organism.

Can you pop your cold sore?

Do not pop the cold sore; it can cause it to spread.

Is a cold sore caused by a bacteria?

A cold sore is caused by a virus.

Can anyone get cold sore?

Anyone, who comes into contact with the virus, can get a cold sore.

Can dogs get a cold sore from people?

Dogs wont get a cold sore from people.

What is this in the corner of my mouth It is itchy and fairly painful?

Potential a small spot of cold sore. If it continues seek medical advice

Can nipples get sore due to cold weather?

Nipples can get sore due to cold weather.

What is a cold sore and what are the symptoms?

A cold sore is an inflamed blister around the mouth and lips. The symptoms of a cold sore are fever, sore throat, pain around the mouth, and swollen glands around the neck.