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Pyodermitis is the medical term meaning any acute inflammatory pus-forming bacterial infection.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning bacterial inflammatory contagious skin disease characterized by vesicles and pustules?
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An inflammatory skin disease characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture is called what?

Acne vulgaris

What is a bacterial skin infection with pustules that rupture and form crusts?

Impetigo :)

What is the meaning of smallpox?

An acute contagious febrile disease of humans that is caused by a poxvirus (species Variola virus of the genus Orthopoxvirus), is characterized by a skin eruption with pustules, sloughing, and scar formation, and is believed to have been eradicated globally by widespread vaccination ---called also variola.

What is the definition of pox?

The definition of pox is: a disease characterized by multiple skin pustules, as smallpox or it can be a disease of sweet potatoes, characterized by numerous pitlike lesions on the roots, caused by a fungus

What are the characteristics of folliculitis?

Small, yellowish-white blister-like lumps (pustules) surrounded by narrow red rings are usually present with both bacterial folliculitis and fungal folliculitis. Hair can grow through or alongside of the pustules, which sometimes ooze blood-stained pus

How can bacterial folliculitis be treated?

Non-prescription topical antibiotics like Bacitracin, Mycitracin, or Neomycin, gently rubbed on to affected areas three or four times a day, can clear up a small number of bacterial folliculitis pustules

Is this how you spell pustules?

Yes, that is the correct spelling of the plural noun "pustules" (subcutaneous pockets).

How do you spell pustules?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "pustules" (dead cell masses under the skin).

What is the definition of rosacea?

Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that is characterized by red splotches, as well as occasional pustules. There are subtypes of this condition, as well as levels of its severity and appropriate treatments for every stage of the ailment; however, there is no cure yet.

What is Palomar-plantar ustulosis?

PPP causes large pustules to form at the base of the thumb or on the sides of the heel. In time, the pustules turn brown and peel.

What are little pustules in throat filled with pus like substance I have stopped smoking but notice i have white pustules at back of my throat?

pharyngitis or inflammation of the pharynx/throat may be the reason for white pustules in the back of the throat. Getting a culture done at the doctor office will help diagnose.

What year did Edward Jenner discover germs?

Edward Jenner did not discover germs, he developed vaccination for smallpox (using cowpox pustules) which was much safer than the inoculation for smallpox (using smallpox pustules) then in use. However he had no idea what actually caused smallpox, only that it was something invisible in the pus from the pustules.