

What is the membrane that surrounds a capsid?

Updated: 10/31/2021
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6y ago

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Viruses are composed of two main parts: an outer protein covering called a capsid and an inside core of either DNA or RNA. Not both DNA and RNA.

Some of these have an envelope over the capsid. The ones that do not are said to be naked. The proteins in the capsid allow the virus to attach to the "docking stations" proteins of the host cell. The naked viruses are more resistant to changes in the environment.

Some naked viruses include poliomyelitis, warts, the common cold, chickenpox, shingles, mononucleosis, herpes simplex (cold sores), influenza, herpes viruses and HIV (AIDS).

Some enveloped viruses include norovirus (stomach bug), rotavirus and human papillomavirus (HPV).

The envelope can be damaged by freezing temperatures, chlorine, and phenol. If damaged the virus cannot infect.

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Izaiah Lubowitz

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Correct. For APEX it is, A protective shell around a virus.

What surrounds a virus?

I take it that you meant to ask what surrounds the genome of the virus. The genome of the virus (be it DNA or RNA) is enclosed within the capsid shell. The capsid shell is made by the oligomerisation of capsid proteins in a specific organised manner. The genome together with the capsid is termed as nucleocapsid. Sometimes the nucleocapsid is surrounded by a phospholipid membrane (of host origin) called the envelope. The viruses which have an envelope are called envelope viruses eg., Chikunguyna virus, Rabies virus, HIV and the viruses without an envelope are called naked viruses eg., Poliovirus, Rotavirus

What is a membrane surrounding the capsid of a virus?


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the protection of a cell

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The capsid. Made of protein, and sometimes various types of proteins.

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