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Q: What is the minimum credit score for a target credit card?
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Related questions

Is there a minimum credit score to apply for an amex card?

You do not need a minimum credit score. You just need to be able to pay off the amount at the end of every month.

How bad is my credit due to unpaid credit cards?

You credit score will decrease significantly if you do not pay your minimum credit card payment every month. Unpaid cards will be reported as delinquent and really destroy your score.

Whats the best credit card to get if you want to improve your fico score?

If you do not have any credit cards then your best card is a bank card, or if you do not have credit at all then open up a secured line of credit with your local bank. Deposit a minimum of $200.00 from your own funds, and only use up to 30% of the credit limit; which is $60.00 in order to have a credit score that is above avarage.

What is minimum FICO needed to get unsecured credit card?

Many credit card companies are hesitant to issue unsecured credit cards to those with a credit score of 650 or less. Some companies are more stringent than others.

What is Vanquis and can they help with credit scores?

vanquis is basicly a credit card company that will give you a credit card regardless of your credit score. you will be able to get a credit card and will allow you to get a better credit score

Does your credit score go down if you do not use your credit card?

Generally, no, your credit score will not be reduced if a credit card that you own is not being used. You don't, however, want to cancel the card - cancelling a credit card (whether voluntary or forced by the issuer) does reduce your credit score.

What credit score advice will help me move forward in my personal finances?

Start paying your bills and credit card on time. Credit card payments are especially important. If you can't afford it, then pay the minimum balance. It will take time but your score will eventually rise as long as you're not late.

What are some tips to improve my credit score?

The easiest way to improve your credit score with a business card is to make the payments on time. Also, if you can't pay off the credit card each month, pay more than the minimum payment to show that you are well balanced and responsible.

How do you get your credit score without a credit card?

There's no need to have a credit card to get your credit score. You can use various web based services in order to get your credit score for free -- no credit card required. See the source links for links to sites that can help provide more information on checking your credit score.

How does over paying your credit card affect your credit score?

There is no such thing as "over paying" a credit card unless you are paying more than the total amount owed. If you mean to pay more than the minimum, it is always a good idea to do so since most credit card minimum payments are stretched over many years. (and that's if you don't use the card during that time!) Also, if you continue to pay more than your minimum and your total balance decreases (and all other things are the same) your credit score will improve because you are "paying off your debt" and you are able to handle the debt you have. If you pay more than the minimum but your balance doesn't decrease you score may still improve, but not as much.

You dont have a credit card can you still get your credit score?

If you have never bought anything on credit, you do not have a credit score.

What are the requirements of applying for a credit card?

There are many requirements to applying for a credit card. The biggest requirement is having a good credit score. Without a good credit score, one cannot get a credit card.