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a PTO steam named Kale its a stem found in cold deserts and has been named Kale from the oldest cactus in the world of deserts this is one of the most commonest stem that has ever been found i think this stem is gonna be really helpful in a few years time and I'm glad you are so found of this...question

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Q: What is the modified stem of the cactus called?
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Which plant has flowers but no real leaves?

A Cactus - it has a modified stem which produces flowers, but no leaves.

Why cactus make food in stem?

Because it has no true leaves, the only part of a typical cactus that can produce food via photosynthesis is the stem. Through evolution, the leaves have become modified and not form the spines of the cactus, loosing their ability to photosynthesise

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It's the thorns on cactus plants and roses that make them both difficult to hold. On both plants, the thorns serve to defend and protect the stem and the flower. But on the cactus, the thorn is a modified leaf. On a rose, the stem has both thorns and regular leaves.

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cactus have a hollow stem. it is where they store water and food for survival

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A succulent and a cactus both store water in their spongy stem or leaves.

What is cactus that stores water in its stem called?

A cactus that stores water in its stem is called a stem succulent. The stem has tissues that are capable storing large quantities of water. The stem also has a thick waterproof epidermis covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents loss of water due by evaporation. Examples of stem succulents - Cardon Cactus, Organ Pipe Cactus, Saguaro Cactus

Is onion a modified stem or leaf?

Onion is a modified stem because it is a stem which grows underground

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What is considered a modified stem?

1.under ground stem modifications 2.sub-aerial stem modifications aerial stem modifications

What part of the celery has been modified?

Modified Stem

Is a onion a stem or a leaf?

A onion is a modified stem