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Q: What is the molecular formula of a compound having the empirical formula of h2so4 and a molecular mass of 50.081?
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Can a compounds molecular formula be 2.5 times greater than the empirical formula?

No. It must be a whole number. Since the empirical formula of a compound shows the proportions of the elements in the simplest whole number ratio there is going to be at least one odd number in the formula. Multiplying by 2.5 would then result in you having half an atom somewhere in the molecule, which you can't really have.

What is the molecular formula of a molecule having an ampirical of NH2 and a molar mass of 32g mol?

find empirical formula mass which is 16g.then divide 32g with 16g.the result which is 2, multiply it with the emf to get the molecular formula.answer = n2h4.

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Methane is an elementary organic compound having the molecular formula of CH4. Methane is composed of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms. The molecular weight of CH4 is 16. 01 grams per mole.

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Binary compound: a chemical compound with only two types of atoms; examples: NaCl, HCl, CaS, H2O.

How do you determine the atomic weight percent of an element in a compound?

To determine the weight percent of the elements in a compound, you only need to two things: the formula of the compound and a periodic table. With that, just follow these three steps.1) Determine the molecular weight (or molar mass) of the compound. For instructions on how to do that, see the Related Questions links to the left.2) For each element in the compound, multiply the atomic weight of that element by the number of times it occurs in the compound. Do this for each element you want to know the weight percent for. See the example below for more about how to do this.3) For each element, take the answer you got in Step 2, and divide it by the number you got in Step 1, and then multiply by 100%. In other words, take the weight of each element in the compound, and divide by the total weight, and then multiply by 100 to make it a percent (instead of a fraction).--EXAMPLE: What is the percent by mass of carbon and hydrogen in C9H20?--ANSWER: First, according to Step 1, we must find the molecular weight of the compound. To do that we multiply the atomic weight of each element by the number of times it occurs in the compound:(9 * 12.011) + (20 * 1.008) = 128.259 grams per mole.Now, let's look at carbon (C). According to the formula, there are 9 carbons in the molecule. Multiplying them as in Step 2, we have:9 * 12.011 = 108.099Finally in Step 3, we take this and divide it by the total weight:108.099 ÷ 128.259 = 0.84281Then multiply by 100%:0.84281 * 100% = 84.281% carbon by mass in C9H20.Now we can do the same thing again, but for hydrogen (H):20 * 1.008 = 20.1620.16 ÷ 128.259 = 0.157180.15718 * 100% = 15.718% hydrogen by mass in C9H20.Finally, we can do a quick double check. Since the compound only has carbon and hydrogen in it, the two percents that we found better add up to 100%!84.281 + 15.718 = 99.999 .... which is just slightly off due to rounding errors, but that's close enough!

What is the empirical formula of the compound?

There is no set formula for fatty acids; they differ depending on the lipid. But in general, fatty acids are composed of a carbon skeleton, 16-18 carbons long. Each carbon is covalently bonded to a hydrogen.

What is the molecular formula for the compound containing 30.4 percent nitrogen and 69.6 percent oxygen by mass and having a molar mass of 92.0 g?

Assume those percentages as mass. Find moles. 30 grams Nitrogen (1 mole N/14.01 grams) = 2.141 moles ( call it 2 ) 70 grams oxygen (1 mole O/16.0 grams) = 4.4 moles ( call it 4 ) smallest mole number is 1 in formula and divide larger number by it 2/4 = 2 so.............. NO2 nitrogen dioxide is the empirical formula

What is the molecular formula of permutit?

Permutit is Sodium aluminosilicate having the formula Na2O.Al2O3.Si2O4.xH2O

What is the name of the chemical compound having the formula CuBr2?

Copper (II) bromide

What will be the compound of nitrogen having oxide of molecular weight 30?

Nitrous Oxide, NO has mass of 30

What is the molecular formula of the simplest alkane capable of having constitutional isomers?

C4H10 is the simplest alkane formula C2H4 is the simplest alkene formula

What are the empirical and molecular formulas for sucrose?

C6H12O6 Molecular Weight: 180 This is also known now as Glucose (Sugar). ^^ this isn't completely correct... yes dextrose is a sugar but its not the same as glucose at all... (glucose, fructose, sucrose, and dextrose are all sugars but they have different chemical make-ups) i don't know the exact answer but i don't want you to be misled