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Carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity.

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Q: What is the most abundant gas being produced that is adding to global warming?
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Related questions

How does electric contribute to global warming?

Most electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming

What organism on Earth contributes most to global warming?

The organism contributing most to global warming is, unfortunately, man. When we burn fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in industry, transport and the generation of electricity we are seriously adding to global warming.

How does gas affect us?

Greenhouse gas is adding to global warming and climate change.

How are people adding to greenhouse gases?

By the oil we burn it releases carbons into the air adding to the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Why would logging trees contribute to global warming?

That means fewer trees are around to take in carbon dioxide, so it stays in the atmosphere, adding to the greenhouse effect and causing global warming.

What oxide is produced during the burning of hydrocarbon which contributes to global warming?

carbon dioxide.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

How can you stop airplanes adding to global warming?

Find ways of using renewable electricity to power them.

How does heat affect global warming?

Heat (wildfires, volcanoes, urban heat sinks) affects global warming by adding more heat to the massive amount of heat that is already destroying our natural environments and ecosystems.

How much solar energy is produced in California?

Not enough america is one of the contenders to global warming.

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.