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Catholic AnswerThe Second Vatican Council was not a doctrinal Council, and thus made NO changes in the Church's doctrine. Vatican Council II, for the first time in history, was an entirely pastoral council. Of the twenty-one ecumenical councils of the Church, Vatican Council II was the only one to not deal with any doctrinal issues. The task assigned to the Council by Pope John XXIII was Aggiornamento, in Italian this means a bringing up to date. The Pope asked the Council to try to speak to the people of modern times, to put things in terms that they could understand, to make things more relevant to them.


Thus the most explicit change in the Church was one where the Church was called to be more outgoing, to train its faithful in the Christian life to realize that, as Christians, they are of necessity, evangelists.

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Q: What is the most explicit change in the Church brought by the Vatican II?
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What language did the Second Vatican Council change in the Catholic church?

The language of the Church is Latin. Vatican II changed the Mass to be in the language of the people of the country. Latin remains the universal language of the church.

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The most widely recognized change to the Divine Liturgy brought about by the Vatican II Council is the change from Latin to the vernacular (local) language. The most physically visible change lies in that the priest now faces the congregation while celebrating Mass, as opposed to having their back turned.

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Pope Paul VI addressed this question in full at the end of the Second Vatican Council, he issued Sacerdotalis Caelibatus which covered all the different facets of priestly celibacy. That it was from the ancient Church, that is has a deep theological significance, and that the Church is not about to change its stand on this, for more information see the link below.

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Why do you need a Vatican 2?

The Second Vatican Council had been considered by Pope Pius XII, but Blessed John XXIII actually called it. The Council was primarily a pastoral council to see how the church could deal with the needs of people in the 20th century. The Council did not change the language of the Mass, but allowed for certain parts (such as the readings) to be in the language of the people. Many of the changes that people associate with Vatican Council II such as the design of churches and, even Mass in the common language had been tried before the Council and were brought about by people in the church in opposition to what the documents actually call for. Ultimately, a Council is the work of the Holy Spirit, and so it is God's way of communicating things to us.

Did the doctrines of the Catholic Church change with Vatican II?

Yes and No. It depends on how you mean "doctrines." Some of what the church teaches is considered dogma - central truths of the faith that are revealed by God. These cannot and did not change, but our understanding of them, and thus the way the Church describes them, can and does change. In this sense there were changes at Vatican II. Not a single article of Faith was rescinded by the Council, nor was any new dogma established. The fundamental teaching of the Christian Faith did not change, as some of the Council's critics have claimed. Some of what the church teaches is considered doctrine - truth derived from or related to dogma, but not necessarily central or necessary for salvation. These can and do change to some degree, though again it is more often that it is the way they are presented that changes. However some things clearly changed, for example, the Church's attitude toward ecumenism and religious freedom are doctrinal in some respects, but also pastoral. And the orientation of the church changed at Vatican II towards these and many other theological-pastoral teachings. Finally, some of what the Church 'teaches' are really disciplines. These can always change, and many did change at Vatican II, or more accurately as a result of the new principles and presentation of doctrine by the Council. This is the way we do things, like whether the Eucharist is celebrated always in Latin, or in the vernacular as a n option. This is not doctrine, but sometimes people think of theses things as such. Certain already-established teachings were clarified (e.g. the relationship between the Blessed Mother and the Church) and the Council Fathers spent a lot of time offering guidelines for how to engage the modern world in modern was rather than only clinging to the methods of the past (e.g. the Decree on the Media of Social Communications).

What did the Second Vatican Council change?

Jesus is love jesus is life

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What did the Old Catholic Church did different then the present?

Many changes occurred as a result of the 2nd Vatican Council, often called "Vatican II," in the early to mid 1960s. One big change was the priest now faced the congregation, instead of performing the mass with his back to them. Another was the mass changed from mostly in Latin to mostly in English (or whatever the native language of the congregation was). And a big change was that Catholics were now permitted to attend a synagogue or go to a Jewish wedding or attend a ceremony in a non-Catholic church with their friends if they wanted to. Also, some of the negative statements about Judaism were removed from the church's teachings: the pope said it was wrong to blame the Jews for the death of Jesus and that anti-Semitism was a sin..Catholic AnswerThe Old Catholic Church is a breakaway schism that occurred after Vatican Council I in the 19th century. The First Vatican Council formally defined Papal Infallibility and the Old Catholics took issue with that, formally breaking ties with Rome. They still maintain a valid priesthood and valid sacraments. The other Church which formed at the same time was the Polish National Catholic Church, which went into schism for the same reasons. Those two aligned themselves with the schismatics who formed the Orthodox Church in the East back in the 12th century.

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