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aerobic exercise

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Q: What is the most important aspect of weight management for an adult?
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What Si metric unit is used to measure adults?

That depends what aspect of the adult you want to measure: the adult's height, mass, weight, volume, albedo, intelligence (no SI unit for that!), etc.

What do you need to calculate an adult's body mass index?


The weight of the average guinea pig?

The average weight of and adult male is: 3 Pounds The average weight of and adult female is: 2 Pounds

Where can I find an adult weight loss camp?

There are weight loss directories you can look in like Hilton Head Health and Green Mountain are good examples of adult camps that have good programs for adult weight loss.

Do they have adult weight loss camps?

There are adult weight loss camps that can help you lose weight. One such camp is Green Mountain at Fox Run in Vermont. You can find more information about it at

What is the weight of an adult horse?

The weight of an adult horse depends of the height and breed of the horse, also what type of work the horse is in.

Where can I find more information on adult weight loss camp?

There is plenty of information regarding adult weight loss camps available on the world wide web. Here are various websites that can be found online that provide information on adult weight loss camp, as follows:,, and

How much does an adult zebra weight?

how much does a big zebra weight

Should your week old chiuaua be gaining weight?

Yes because they are not going to stay the same size forever!! Its very important for them to grow especially when young to become healthy as an adult. (adult age is 1 for dogs).

How long and weight of a killer whale?

Average Weight: (Adult) 2.6-9 tons. Average Length: (Adult) 18-32 ft.

How much water dose a human body contain?

60% by weight in adult human male, 55% by weight in adult human female

What is the Adult male chimp weight?

50-110 pounds is a average adult chimp.