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Q: What is the most important part of Hajj?
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Related questions

What are the three most important Islamic cities?

I think one of them is hajj

Why is the Hajj important to muslims?

Hajj is basically a part of pillers of islam it is only compulsory for those who have money..otherwise for poor who don't have money it isn't compulsory for him

Why is kabah important during the hajj?

It is the House of Almighty Allah - Ka'abah - around which you circle 7 times while performimg Hajj or Ummrah. That is the basic and the most important ritual.

What is the valley of Arafat?

Arafat is a plain some miles off Makkah in Saudi Arabia. It remains uninhabited for most part of year but every year for a single day, on the Day of Hajj (Pilgrimage), it is visited by near two million people. It is here that the most important part of Hajj takes place and the pilgrims stay there from noon till dusk.

How do Shiites take part in hajj?

Rituals for Hajj are the same for all the Muslims.

Does the Hajj pilgrimage have value for people who go?

yes, hajj pilgrimage is a very important part in Islam, people have to do it, only if they can afford it. it clears you from all the sins that you have comminted in your life. and makes you as pure as you were as a baby.

What percentage of the soldiers traveled on the hajj?

Hajj is a kind of worship. The Muslims perform Hajj. It has nothing to do anything with soldiering or fighting. It is Jihad in which armed men take part, not Hajj.

What is the Day of Arafa?

Ninth day of Zulhajh ( Month of Hajj ) is called day of Arfa . It is prime day of Hajj ,the most important work is Waqoof e Arfa means stay at Arfa . It also marks the most important day of the Pilgrimage or Hajj for the millions of Muslims who make the trip to Mecca each year. This day, directly before Eid al-Adha,

What matters to hajji's?

The most important thing to Hajji's is God (Allah). Mostly while they are in Hajj they do nothing but pray.

How fast it take to walk in hajj?

Sa-saye ,is the part of hajj in with you should run normal but not walking.

How important is it for Muslims to go on the hajj?

Out of the Five basic and compulsory pillars of Islam, one is Hajj. Hajj is compulsory for every ABLE (capable) Muslim. A true Muslim must go for Hajj once in a life-time (if he is economically and physically sound).

Why is Hajj the least important pillar?

The Hajj need not be followed if you have insufficient means to perform it. As a result, unlike the other four pillars, it can be abrogated and is, therefore, less important.