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It depends on how you define “Agreement”.

If you term “agreement” any decision where an Israeli government authority and a representative of the Palestinian Authority, agreements happen daily. There is almost constant communication between Israelis and Palestinians over the disposition of Israeli military, Palestinian police, tax collection, roadblock placement, corralling Israeli Settlers and dealing with Palestinian militants, and numerous other minor issues.

If you term “agreement” any political accord, the most recent would be the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in 2014 and its renewals.

If you term “agreement” to be a foundational change in governmental operations, the last successful treaty between the Israelis and the Palestinians was the 1993 Oslo Accords. (This ignores the 1994 Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty which had some consequences for Palestinian Self-Determination, but did not include Palestinian representatives and it ignores the 2000 Camp David Summit which had some Israeli-suggested peace proposals, but these were all rejected by the Palestinians, resulting in no accord.)

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Q: What is the most recent agreement between Israel and Palestine?
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Who governed Palestine before the State of Israel was declared?

Britain. Answer2. The territory of Palestine, i.e. the geographical area that included modern Jordan( it comprises over 70% of Palestine), Gaza, Israel ( including Judea and Samaria), Southern part of Syria and Soutehrn part of Lebanon, was by the decision of the League of Nations passed under the mandate of Great Britain with the condition that Great Britain would make it "The Home for Jewish People". Great Britain, in pursue of its political goals, breached this condition and passed over 70% of the territory of Palestine to Arab clan of Hashemites, proclaiming Abdallah, the son of the small Arabian war-lord Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi , the Emir of Transjordan and then he proclaimed himself the King. That was the beginning of the conflict known as the Arab-Israeli conflict that lasts already more than 70 years. As a matter of fact, Great Britain did not rule in Palestine; it was a Mandate Power whose role was to create the necessary conditions for making the territory under its Mandate ready for becoming independent nations.

Why was the the Arab-Israeli War of 1948 one of the most important events in Israel's recent history?

A result of that conflict is the very existence of the State of Israel.

Why is palestine important to Jews?

Zionism is the philosophy that the Jews should have their own independent state in the Middle East. Therefore, anything related to Israel traces back to Zionism. Of course, Israel is not the only source of conflict in the Middle East, but one of many.

What is happening in Gaza right now?

Answer #1:It depends entirely on which day "today" is.Currently, on December 8, 2013, the son of Greek Orthodox PriestGabriel Nadaf, a resident of Nazareth, Israel, was beaten by IsraeliMuslims because of Nadaf's vocal support of the IDF and enlistment.=======================================Answer #2: (same date, from another contributor)My grandkids went to the synagogue with their parents yesterday,and today, their mother took them to the park and to visit theirother (local) grandmother.

When did Palestine take over Israel?

Israel did not invade Palestine per se. There were Jewish communities living in the land of Historic Palestine before the creation of the state of Israel. The mistake they did was to create a state exclusively for them and they denied the right of other groups (Muslims and Christians) to live on the land; the same groups who were their neighbors for hundreds of years.

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The country is Israel.Both Israel and Palestine claim Jerusalem as their capital. However, Israel is the only one that has actual control of the city. As a result, Palestine's de facto capital is Ramallah, while Israel maintains its capital in Jerusalem.

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When? The region of Palestine has been under so many different rulers that it would be difficult to name them all. The most recent countries controlling all or part of that region include Israel which came after the United Kingdom which came after the Ottoman Empire.

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Britain. Answer2. The territory of Palestine, i.e. the geographical area that included modern Jordan( it comprises over 70% of Palestine), Gaza, Israel ( including Judea and Samaria), Southern part of Syria and Soutehrn part of Lebanon, was by the decision of the League of Nations passed under the mandate of Great Britain with the condition that Great Britain would make it "The Home for Jewish People". Great Britain, in pursue of its political goals, breached this condition and passed over 70% of the territory of Palestine to Arab clan of Hashemites, proclaiming Abdallah, the son of the small Arabian war-lord Hussein ibn Ali al-Hashimi , the Emir of Transjordan and then he proclaimed himself the King. That was the beginning of the conflict known as the Arab-Israeli conflict that lasts already more than 70 years. As a matter of fact, Great Britain did not rule in Palestine; it was a Mandate Power whose role was to create the necessary conditions for making the territory under its Mandate ready for becoming independent nations.

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