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Death Anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic shock, is the most serious type of allergic reaction. It is the result of an antigen-antibody reaction that stimulates a massive secretion of histamine.

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A severe allergic reaction can result in anaphylaxis with symptoms such as rashes/hives, swelling (particularly of the throat and tongue but also of the conjunctiva (the inner lining of the eyelids) and the lips) and decreased blood pressure and heart rate. It's a very fast reaction and can be brought on as a reaction to almost anything, including food (such as nuts), insect bites (such as bee stings) or certain medication (such as penicillin). If not treated immediately it can lead to death.

This type of reaction is very dangerous due to the rapid onset of very serious symptoms. The lowering of blood pressure means that less blood is getting around the body, leading to decreased oxygen availability to tissues and can lead to unconsciousness. Swelling of the throat is obviously very bad for breathing. Because of these problems, people with known extreme sensitivity to an allergen (an allergen being anything that triggers an allergic reaction) usually carry auto-injectors that will administer a shot of adrenaline (also called epinephrine) which will constrict blood vessels increasing blood pressure, stimulate the heart which increases heart rate, relax the smooth muscle of the throat and lungs to help with breathing, as well as reducing rashes/hives and any other areas of swelling. It's important that it auto-injects because if someone goes into anaphylaxis the combination of symptoms plus their instinct to panic means that they can administer the drug with ease.

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