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The cardiac muscle is the most numerous i nvoulantarymuscle in the body , They are invoulantary ; wich means they Voulantary muscles are muscles you move and control with your thoughts. (:


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Probably the diaphragm

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Q: What is the most numerous muscle in the body?
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Cardiac muscles are the most numerous muscles in the body?

cardiac muscle is only found in the heart so it is used constantly but it isn't the most common muscle found in the body, this would be skeletal muscle.

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What is the most strongest muscle in the body?

the most stronger muscle in your body is your leg muscle because it holed everithing in your body.

What muscle has the most muscle in the body?

the tung

Which blood are most numerous in the body?

The most numerous blood cells in the human body are red blood cells.

What is the most common type of muscle in the body?

The most abundant muscle in your body is skin

What has the most muscle in the body?

the tung

What is the densest muscle in the body?

the tougne is the strongest musce in your body!

The strongest muscle in the human body is found in?

Your mouth. Your tongue is actually the most strongest muscle in the human body.

Which muscle is used the most in the body?

Your heart

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What are most important muscles in the human body?

The heart is the most important muscle because it has to pump blood constantly thru out the body