

What is the name of Mali trade route?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the name of Mali trade route?
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Mali's trade route?

The Saharan trade extended from the Saharan West African kingdoms across the Sahara desert to Europe. The Saharan Trade linked such African empires as Ghana, Mali, and Songhay to the European world.

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The slave trade route was named the middle passage.

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The most famous trade route that was in the area of Russia was the Silk Road.

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Timbuktu, Mali, and Mali

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The Darb el-Arbain trade route is one (there are more).

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Most trade with the Middle East happened along the African Slave Trade which stretched from present day Senegal East through Mali, Niger, Chad and Sudan. This route was fraught with peril and a more northerly route was created through Mali, Algeria and Tunisia for passage over the Mediterranean Sea and the Ottoman Empire.

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The geometric name for the transatlantic trade route that dealt in African slaves was called the Triangle Route or the Middle Route. It went to Africa, North America and Europe.

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(ANSWER IS) He established Mali’s power in the region with his pilgrimage to Mecca.