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interphalangeal joints and the joint between the humerus and ulna; the knee- and -ankel joints

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Q: What is the name of a hinge joint in the hand and foot?
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Name the joint present in the base of all fingers?

ofcourse it is the hinge joint

What is the name of the joint in your knee?

Synovial pivotal hinge

What is your joint in your knee?

The Name Of The Joint In Your Knee Is The Hinge. Wierd, huh? But It's True.

What is the name of the knuckle joint?

The interphalangeal joints in the fingers are synovial hinge joints. The thumb metacarpal is a saddle joint. The metacarpo-phalangeal joints are synovial ellipsoid joints.

What joint moves back and forth?

personally, I would have to say the hip joint and the shoulder joint ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ he's wrong. it's called a hinge joint. :T

What type of joint that permits movement in one plane?

A hinge joint. Using your knee as an example of what this means: Standing up you can bend the knee so that your leg is bent behind you, but you cannt twist it or move it in any other way. This is what it is meant by only one plane of movement. Other joints such as your shoulder allow you to move your arm in many different ways meaning it has several planes of movement.

What are the three joints in your knee?

Your knee is made up of three bones(joints). These three are a Thighbone(femur), a Shinbone(tibia), and a Kneecap(patella).

What is the type of joint found at the hand called?

The bones of the hand are the carpals (wrist bones), metacarpals (bones under the palm), and phalanges (finger bones). Part of the wrist would include the radius if you consider the wrist part of the hand. The carpals, by name, are the trapezoid, scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform, capitate, trapezium, and hamate. The three distinct phalanges are the proximal, middle, and distal phalanges.PhalangesCarpalMetacarpalsare the bones in your hands

How did the hinge bone get its name?

It got its name because it acts as a hinge, only opening and closing a certain distance. Your elbow is a hinge joint. Think of your elbow as a hinge on a door in your house. The door is your forearm and the door frame is your upper arm/body.

What is the name of the movable joint that attaches a door or window to frame and the first letter from it is h?


What is the name for the knee joint?

The structural name is a hinge joint because it moves like a hinge. A ball and socket would be if a head of one bone fit into a fossa on another. The knee joint consists of two articulating bones, the femur and tibia. As well the patella (knee cap) lies infront of this joint.

What is another name of knee joints?

Another Name For Knee Joints Is Called Knee Bones lls