

What is the name of large houses with lawns?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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an estate

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Q: What is the name of large houses with lawns?
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What are lawns?

A large area of grass, usually around a house or building.

Why do you grow lawns around your houses?

Because your house will look ratchet without it, anf it will look like you live in the projects.

What is the name of the large clock on a tower near the Houses of parliament in London?

It is named Big Ben.

How can a 11 year old earn 100 in two weeks?

Try walking dogs, mowing lawns, shoveling snow, doing chores. Mowing lawns you could do like 5 houses for 20 dollars each, and there you go.

How long does a dealer principle course take?

It depends on the colour of their skin. If they are Mexican they should be bagging groceries, mowing lawns, or cleaning houses.

Where can a 16 year old find a summer job in Grand Prairie?

Mow lawns . babysit , clean houses , clean cars , petsit ,

How can you earn money to get the dsi by the way im 11 years old?

mow lawns for $20 per acer if you mow two houses of one acer and two or more two acre houses you will have more than enough money

What are some jobs for an 11 year old?

mowing lawns for other people, babysitting, cleaning other peoples houses, or asking your parents for an allowance if you do certain chores.

What is a large group of houses called?

a row

Who is Lush Lawns?

Lush Lawns is a gardening company

Tony can mow two lawns in 3 hr At this rate how many lawns can he mow in 9hr?

he can mow 6 lawns he can mow 6 lawns

Where can a 12 year old get a job?

You can work at a theater. You usually will get paid 30 dollars a week. You also can pick your nose for 50 cents an hour in this place called "Your Nasal Cavity." Make sure you have some juicy boogers.