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Bone cells, osteocytes, reside in cavities within compact bone called lacunae.

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Q: What is the name of the cavity that contains the bone cells themselves?
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What is the cavity?

medullar cavity is the space within the diaphysis of a bone that contains yellow bone marrow. also called the marrow cavity ..

What is the medullar cavity?

medullar cavity is the space within the diaphysis of a bone that contains yellow bone marrow. also called the marrow cavity ..

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The bone marrow in the medullary cavity contains only yellow bone marrow, for fat storage. The spongy bone contains both red bone marrow (blood production) and yellow bone marrow.

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Medullary cavity function?

The medullary cavity contains yellow bone marrow.

What is the hollow area inside of the diaphysis of a bone?

It is the space where you will find bone marrow, which is where Red Blood Cells and White Blood Cells are formed

What is marrow cavity?

The function of the marrow cavity in bone is to produce more red and white blood cells. This is why some people with cancers and auto immune diseases will seek to have a bone marrow transplant.

What is the function of the medullary cavity?

The medullary cavity is the central cavity of bone shafts. This is where red and yellow bone marrow are stored. The medullary cavity is also involved in the formation of red and white blood cells.

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Why do bone cells make exact copies of themselves?

When bone cells divide they must produce cells exact copies of themselves.

What contains bone marrow?

the bone that contains bone marrow is called the spongy bone. Bone marrow is a spongy material found inside your bones. The bone marrow contains immature stem cells, which can develop into three different types of blood cells (Red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body) (Platelets to help your blood clot, when needed) (White blood cells to help fight infection) t is the stem cells in your bone marrow that can benefit the transplant recipient. By Jeff R NCHS