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They are called the Nag Hammadi texts, after the region in Egypt in which they were unearthed.

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Q: What is the name of the collection of heretical Gnostic texts discovered in Egypt in 1945?
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What is Nag Hammadi writings?

The Nag Hammadi writings are a collection of ancient texts discovered in Egypt in 1945. These texts are Gnostic in nature and provide insight into alternative Christian beliefs and practices from the early centuries of the Common Era. They include the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

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What are the Nag Hamaddi Gospels?

The Nag Hammadi texts are a group of texts written in Coptic which were discovered in Egypt in 1945. They constitute a body of Gnostic Christian literature, as well as a few Hermetic and Greek philosophical texts, such as a translation of Plato's works. They have been dated to the second century A.D.

What are the Gnostic writings?

Gnosticism was an important branch of Christianity during the first centuries, perhaps even rivalling in size the branch that was to become the Catholic-Orthodox Church. The Christian emperors of the fourth century sought to have one single Christianity and considered Gnosticism divisive, forcing its remnants underground. Prior to 1945, little was known of the Gnostic beliefs or of their writings. Then a collection of thirteen ancient codices containing over fifty texts, was discovered at Nag Hammadi in upper Egypt. This contained a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth, many of which were once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define orthodoxy. These manuscripts had been buried to avoid their destruction as the persecution of Gnostics spread to Egypt. With this and other discoveries, scholars now have a broad range of gospels and other writings sacred to the Gnostics. Some of the Gnostic writings, such as the Gospel of Thomas, were originally considered for inclusion in the Catholic-Orthodox New Testament, at least after amendment to bring them into line with 'orthodox' theology. Even the Gospel of John is considered by some scholars to have originally been a Gnostic writing. Some of Paul's epistles are compatible with Gnostic thinking, and the early Gnostics looked to him as some form of founder or patron of Gnosticism.

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