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Q: What is the name of the great military leader that spread the Greek culture across Asia?
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Who was the great military leader who added surrounding lands to the Greek empire and spread Greek culture across Asia?

Alexander the Great

Who was the leader who spread the Greek culture?

Alexander the great spread Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean world

How did the Bantu spread culture across Africa?

They used boats and planes

Greek culture and ideas were spread across Europe when?

the Romans and the Greeks became one dominant country and spread quickly.

What did the bantu-speaking people spread across Africa as they migrated?

The Bantu people spread was their language and their culture, plowing and farming

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How does culture spread from one place to another place?

culture passes from place to another through military activities, marketing, and Immigration

Why did Greek culture spread so rapidly across the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea?

it spreded so rapidly because of how the y were fighting across seas and the spread became to get bigger and bigger

The Macedonian leader who spread Greek culture throughout the Middle East?

Answer: Alexander the Great

Muslims culture spread all the way to Spain through conquest and trade.Which culture spread across much of the ancient world in the same way?

Greek, then Roman, and later Spanish, French and British.

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the spread of American media and entertainment.

What are the contributions of Alexander the great to the growth and development of ancient Greece empire?

Alexander the great contributed to Greece by the Hellenization of its Empire. It is where Greek culture, philosophies, teachings are spread throughout the land. This was the product of Aristotle being Alexander's tutor in his early years. Though he was a fierce military leader, he showed his intelligence and passion for Greek Culture through the spreading of Greek Culture.